✧ Chapter 9 | Everlasting Memories ✧

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[ A/N : Ayyeeeee dear readers~!!《《o(≧◇≦)o》》Finally, chapter 9 published! I'm sorry for the late update!ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Happy New Year to dear readers as well~!! HOHOHO ☆ ~('▽^人) Anyways, I want to inform dear readers that from this chapter on, spoilers from the light novel which is the 'Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at 16' and the original plot are coming soon! I hope dear readers are prepared! Now enjoy reading~! (~ ̄ω ̄)~ ]

<< Recap | Krul Tepes' POV

"Onee-sama,..I have something to tell you." I said as I gave her a serious face. Onee-sama just kept her cool and asked,."What is it Krul?" she replied.

"Aren't you planning to turn that human, Kana into a,.


Krul Tepes' POV

I look at onee-sama into her eyes,..I could see that she was shocked by my sudden question. I could feel a cold sweat running down my face as onee-sama sighed and kept her composure back.

"Onee-sama, it's been on my mind for a long time but,..why don't you turn the human boy into a vampire as soon as possible? It pains me to say this but,..you've taken a liking to him haven't you? I realized, that feelings of yours,." I said as I break the silent moment. "If he was a vampire, he wouldn't be targeted anymore for being a human and you could enjoy your time with the boy without any disturbances. Besides, he's a human. They live for only tens of years while we live for thousands. His life will end in a blink of an eye, but if he was a vampire he could live as long as us and spend the rest of his life with you." I explained as I felt my heart tightened. 

"Krul,.what you are saying is true,.I understand what you're trying to tell me." replied onee-sama.

"It's exactly because of that. We vampires are cursed with longevity. While humans have such short, miniscule lives they always make the most of it exactly because of how short it is. Besides, we've stolen his family from him, it would be cruel to steal his humanhood as well. I just,.don't want to force him like that. Even if I turn him into a vampire, I'm sure he won't be able to drink human blood. It's impossible for him to rely on my blood alone since he needs to drink human blood as well in order to completely turn into a vampire." exclaimed onee-sama. "Hmm,.but--" before I could say anything, onee-sama cuts me off. "Thank you Krul, I know you're only looking out for me. But I believe it's the right choice not to turn him into a vampire, whatever the consequences may be. 

Don't worry, I know how to handle this. You know that I'm strong right?" said onee-sama as she giggled and pats my head. "If you,.say so,.as long as nobody hurts you,.." I implied as I blushed while onee-sama was gently patting my head.

"Ah, I think I should get going now Krul. You should get some rest since tomorrow we need to apologize to the nobles for our sudden disappearance from the party." said onee-sama as she went towards the door room and held the door knob. "Yes,.you just woke up and your wound hasn't fully closed. You should get some rest too,.I'm sorry for bringing this topic up when you're in this condition." I apologized to onee-sama as she just gave me a soft smile. "It's okay Krul, I'm really happy that you are worried about me. I'm sure by tomorrow, the wound will be gone. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Goodnight." as soon as she said that, she left the room. 'Somehow,.I felt relieved after saying those things to onee-sama,.but still she hasn't told me what she really feels towards that boy,.' I thought to myself as I was still curious about her feelings. I guess I'm just thinking too much,.

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