✧ Chapter 4 | Effort ✧

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[ A/N : Heyyo dear readers~!~!《《o(≧◇≦)o》》Taddaaa~! I've updated! ◝(๑⁺᷄д⁺᷅๑)◞՞ Yesterday, I've been practicing the violin all day since I had a violin group class ε-(≖д≖﹆) Finally it's over now. *sigh* Anyways, this picture up here shows you how Shiro looks like~! ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧ Veryyyy shiro-ish (Shiro = white). Nyufufufu, now enjoy reading! ヾ(o≧∀≦o)ノ゙]

Krul Tepes' POV

As I expected, Lacus will surely ask me about that human. I wonder what's his thoughts about him. I guess he was jealous? Well onee-sama isn't aware of his feelings towards her anyways. And I don't want her to. I'm thinking,..will that day come,..? The day when onee-sama falls in love with someone? If that day comes,..It will surely be the day where I will start becoming,...


"Ah Krul~!" called onee-sama as I realized that I'm already in her room. It's somehow annoying that this room reeks of that human smell. But even so, I could still smell the sweet chocolaty essence that onee-sama has. I looked at that human and saw that he was served with cakes and onee-sama's favorite peach tea. I could also sense that he's scared to look at me as well. Pathetic.

"Lacus has informed you about the party right?" I asked as I avert my eyes away from that human.

"Mhm, yeap~!" onee-sama nodded. "So did you come here to discuss with me regarding the party?" onee-sama questions me as she comes closer and holds my hand. Her white smooth hands are so soft like cotton candy,..I blushed at that thought.

"So,.I was wondering that could we go and pick a dress for the party together,..?" I said as I look at onee-sama.

"I was thinking about that as well! We can find something cute together. I'm really excited about this!" onee-sama said happily. "Ah~! I'm sure that you can't wait to meet Lest Karr right~?" The moment when onee-sama mentions about Lest Karr, I cracked.

"Who wants to feel happy about meeting that freaking midget,.!!?" I said as I felt so annoyed thinking that he would surely stick to onee-sama everywhere she goes like a glue during the party. "Aww come on, you both have been friends since you guys were really small,.and by the way,.you're so cute when you're angry Krul~!" said onee-sama as she laughed. "O--onee-sama,.!!" I blushed. Suddenly we heard someone giggle.

"Now now girls, how about we go out and search for both of your dresses? And I'm sure Eva wants to introduce someone to me." giggled Shiro as she was just right behind us. Amazing,..not even me or onee-sama could sense her presence.

Shiro's POV

"Shiro~!!" said Krul and Eva as they both hug me. "You're awesome Shiro! I couldn't notice that you were behind there." said Eva as she and Krul were shocked with my sudden surprise.

"Well, that means you both need more training in observing your surroundings." I said. "Hehe okay Master Shiro~!" Eva and Krul said as I smile at them. "Ah Shiro!" Eva went to the human and pulled his hand. She brought him towards me. "Meet Iketeru Kana, he's 18 years old and---" before Eva could finish her sentence I already knew what she was going to say. "He has an immunity in his body right?" I said.

"Shiro~! No fair, you already knew about him didn't you?" Eva pouted. "Oh, you knew about him already?" asked Krul as she was surprise that this information spreads out fast. "My apologies dear Eva, I already heard about him from the vampires that went to the human realm." I explained.

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