Chapter 5 | Part 1

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I woke in the middle of the night, lying on the floor of my mistress’ room. I heard he breathing quietly on the bed across the floor.

I sat up slowly, trying not to rattle the chains that still held my hands together.

My uncle, had killed her mother.

This was as much a surprise to me as it had been to her and I couldn’t believe it.

I hardly remember my uncle, he died when I was only 8 years old, everyone did that night.  

My parents and I had run, trying to get away from the massacre, but one vampire followed us, he got my mother and stood there holding her by the hair as she tried to get away.

“I’ve got your girl, you aut to try and save her.”

I can still hear his voice taunting my father, I can see his face as he told me to run, and I did, I ran as fast as I could. Until I finally made it to a large plantation a couple of miles from the place where I had grown.  

I stayed there until 4 days later the owner died, and the entire population of slaves had been sold, me along with them.  And from that point on I had never kept a steady home for more than 6 months, I was always sold for one reason or another.  

I had almost completely forgotten my past, until now.  

I would make it up to her I decided.

I would make this right. 


Jayda woke up when the sun shone brightly through her large window, she looked at the clock 8:30.

She sat up in bed and stretched her arms.  She looked across the room to see Hayden still sleeping on the floor.

She turned to the table next to her and opened the drawer.  Inside was a photo of her mom.

She picked it up and held it in front of her, she missed her mom so much, her auburn red hair and blue eyes, her perfect fangs, everything about her, Jayda missed.

She started to cry silently.  Hayden stirred across the room and she wiped her eyes and laid back down.

He was directly related to the man who killed her mother.  

He would pay, this she had decided.  She would make it right.

Jayda hopped out of bed and into the shower, trying to think of anything but her mom, so she busied herself with thoughts of her career.

She got out dried off and put on her makeup. She threw on the dark jeans and red t-shirt she had brought with her and put her hair up into a ponytail.

She walked out of the bathroom to find Hayden standing in her room waiting for an order. She grabbed the key off of her desk and unlocked his restraints letting them fall to the floor.

“Get the bed made”

He moved immediately. She walked over to her “music corner” as her dad had always called it, and picked up her guitar, she started strumming, G, C, A, E minor, then over again. She started to feel the beat, and started to sing, her clear beautiful voice joining the guitar strings in their melody.

“You can’t start on tomorrow,

till you forget yesterday.

Can’t move on from your sorrows,

till you send them away.”

She continued on with the first song she had ever sung on stage, one her dad had written for her mom, it was such a pretty song. She stopped singing and continued to strum the guitar, she looked over at Hayden who was almost finished making her bed.  

Gosh, he really is gorgeous.

Whoah Whoah Whoah, What? No, he’s a slave. He’s property.

She couldn’t think things like that. She put her hand down on the strings, stopping the vibrations. Putting the guitar back in it’s stand she stood up.

“I’m going to breakfast. Find Jim.  Tell him I sent you.”

With that, she walked out and down to breakfast.

Eternal bondage (Book One of the Eternity Series)Where stories live. Discover now