Chapter 3 | Part 1

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The doctor paid for the boys new clothing and re-chained his hands. The cashier handed him a bag with the garments in it and he handed it back to the slave and pulled him out of the store.

Dr. Mayin moved through the hallways finding his way to the hair salon. He found one and walked in.

"Hello sir! What can we do for you?"

The chirpy vampire at he front desk asked.

"I need something down with this hair."

He answered gesturing to the boy behind him.

"Well we can fix that up in a jiffy! Would you like to pick a style?"

The doctor nodded and was handed a style book.

The woman took the slave and led him to a stylist who proceeded to wash his neglected hair, then made her way back to the doctor.

"I personally think this one would look great."

She pointed to a style where the hair was shorted then spiked up in the front.

"I agree. Do that."

So the stylists proceeded to cut and style the boys hair.

Ten minutes later the boy was led back out to where the doctor was waiting.

He could finally see the boys eyes.

Blue, perfect.

He paid for the haircut then led the slave from the hair salon. It took the two a short amount of time to get back to the limo and on their way back to the house again.

Tyler pulled out his phone. 5:50, it had taken them 45 minutes.

Dinner would be ready when he got home and he would be ready to surprise Jayda with her birthday present.

He smiled to himself.


My eyes remained on the ground as my master again pulled me out of the car, we had arrived at my new home. I looked up, but saw the master looking at me and quickly looked back down.

"Look up boy. See your new home."

So I looked, I saw green lawns a garage where the limo was pulling into, stables and fields with horses, and most amazing, a giant house. It was 5 stories high, with wraparound porches around every story.

I cast my gaze now to my master, his back was to me, but his short blonde hair told me he wasn't exceedingly old.  He was probably a human once.  All of the young vampires anymore are human infants that were taken by the vampires and bitten by both parents. The human blood and mixture of vampire venom creates a vampire child that ages for 19 vampire years, which equal about twelve human years.  My master had probably been in him mid thirties when he had been bitten, how long ago I would never be able to tell. 

The inside of the house was even more spectacular. Crystal chandlers and glass stairs, the house was the perfect blend of vintage and modern. My master led me to a restroom where he unchained my hands and pushed me in with the bag of clothing.

"Shower and change."


Eternal bondage (Book One of the Eternity Series)Where stories live. Discover now