Chapter 18

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Courfeyrac and Enjolras were staring at me confused. Marius had stood up. He understood now how I'd been here instead of with Courfeyrac. He understood how I'd been coming here to avoid Courfeyrac. He also understood that they'd want to know what we were discussing and I understood that as well. Along with how we couldn't say what we were talking of.

"Gabrielle, what are you doing here?" Courfeyrac asked breaking the awkward silence that had fallen. "What's in your basket?"

He noticed the basket. I had to come up with something quickly. What would I say? I can't exactly say oh they're clothes I'm going to wear so I can protect you and Enjolras in the revolution. Something tells me that's just not going to sit well with either of them.

"It seems you have things to discuss so I'll be leaving. Come on Marius," Enjolras said. I looked to him.

"Wait!" I shouted before I knew exactly what I was doing. They all looked at me. I cleared my throat. "I have to talk to you," I said facing Enjolras.

"As you wish mademoiselle," he said turning and facing me. Courfeyrac was watching me intently. I had to think of what I had to say. What should I say?

"I have to talk to you too Courfeyrac," I said. He seemed to relax a little when I said that and Enjolras tensed slightly. "But I've been gone nearly a half hour now and Gav and 'Ponine will be worried so if you'll excuse me we'll talk tomorrow," I said. I quickly ran through the door,down the stairs, and out of the building. Courfeyrac easily caught up to me.

"Mademoiselle!" he shouted after me. I turned around slowly. If I tried to run now, he'd only outrun me. I'd have to sneak away and I'd at least have a chance somewhat of escaping. "Why are you running? What's wrong with you?" he asked concerned.

"Oh it's just nothing," I lied. He saw through it. I dropped the basket to the ground, to show I wouldn't be planning on running again, well at least not now.

"Why did you run today? Why were you disguised and everything?" he asked.

"É-Éponine. She t-told me that E-E- Enjolras didn't want me there to distract you. I wanted to find out more about the revolution," I said honestly.

"Why did you run though?" he asked.

"I-I-I'm not entirely sure," I stammer.

"What's troubling you?" he asked. He took a few steps closer to me. I still didn't move. He walked until he was right in front of me. He reached out and touched his hand to my cheek. I could feel the warmth of his hand on my cheek. It felt nice, being that close to him. "Please, won't you tell me what's wrong?"

"It's nothing," I lied looking down at the pavement underneath my feet. I could still feel him looking at me. He still held his hand to my cheek.

"Where will you be staying for the remainder of the night?" he asked. I closed my eyes. If I went to Rosalie's Éponine and Gavroche would be questioning me. If I didn't go, they'd be worried.

"I'll have to go back to Rosalie's," I reply. I open my eyes slowly and see his brown eyes staring into mine. He wraps his other arm around my waist, pulling me in closer to him. His other hand doesn't stray from my cheek.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" he asked. It occurred to me I wanted to. I only had two days left with him after all.

"Gavroche and Éponine will be worried. Marius probably doesn't want company tonight..." I trail off. He's still staring into my eyes.

"Marius can go tell them if you stay here. Honestly, I think he'd be happier if he'd stay there, he'd have Éponine to comfort him over Cosette and Gavroche to cheer him up," Courfeyrac answered.

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