Chapter 28

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*Just a warning! There will be some profanity used in here! I've been trying not to use it unless the situation called for it. This situation calls for it! A lot of it! Just a warning!*


I woke up and the sun was just beginning to rise. I looked at Gabrielle. She was still asleep. Many of the men were already awake again. Gavroche was talking to Joly and Jehan. Enjolras, Marius, and Combeferre were looking for more gun powder. Gabrielle's father was wandering around aimlessly. Grantaire seemed to be already completely intoxicated.

"Gabrielle," I whispered to her. She stirred slightly. "Gabrielle," I whispered again.

This time, her eyes looked up to me. She smiled, genuinely. "Good morning, monsieur," she said softly.

"Good morning," I replied smiling at her. She started to stand up. I quickly stood up too, and wrapped my arms around her waist. Whatever the others thought didn't exactly matter now did it?

She turned to me and smiled. I could see her blushing slightly. I leaned down and kissed her. She kissed me back and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. After a few moments, we pulled away. She smiled again.

Gavroche walked up to us. "Do you two gotta do that every mornin'?" he asked sarcastically.

Gabrielle started to take a step towards him and I reluctantly released my hold on her. She looked to Gavroche and smiled. "You're only jealous," she replied teasingly. A few of the other gents started laughing including me. This only angered him.

"No I'm not!" he protested.

"Oh, really," she said. She kissed him briefly on the cheek. His face immediately turned a shade of dark red. The other gents laughed even harder. He looked up to her smiling.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her off to a corner and started rambling on and on about different things. I watched for a moment then returned to the harsh reality of where we were. I walked over to Enjolras and the others. He didn't look at me.

"What are we to do about the gun powder?" I asked them.

"The soldiers had powder in bags. The rain might've not gotten to them. We'd have to retrieve the bags first though," Combeferre answered.

"We need someone and I volunteer," Marius said.

Gabrielle's father walked over to us. He had been listening. "He's only a boy, I'm much older. I'll go," he said. That wouldn't work and we all knew it.

"We're the only ones left," Enjolras said. I turned to him confused and shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"We're the only barricade left. They have twenty armies all prepared for us," he said. I saw the exit of the barricade. I walked over to it quickly.

"What are you doing?" they asked.

I kept walking though. I wasn't going to abandon them. I walked outside the barricade. I looked for a few ammunition packs but realized there were none. The only gun powder was at the barricade in those soldier's packs. Who would be able to get then though?


After I kissed Gavroche he started chatting excitedly about the revolution. He also told me that I could never leave him especially since I just kissed him and that means that I loved him. I made him promise he wouldn't leave me. He wanted to help the gents somehow, and I knew that if he wasn't near me he could get hurt. I saw my father, Courfeyrac, Enjolras, Marius, and Combeferre talking intensely near the tavern doorway.

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