Chapter 11

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I caught Gabrielle as she slipped through the window. She looked up at me and smiled. I did too. All I could hope for was that my face wasn't too red.

I helped her gain her balance then released my hold on her waist.

Marius and Cosette just met and haven't stopped staring at each other. It was obvious they were in love. Quite obvious actually.

"Where we headed?" Gavroche asked. I felt a little guilty. I had forgotten he was there.

"Would you want to go to the café, mademoiselle?" Marius asked Cosette. She nodded still staring at him. He was still staring at her as well. They were in love without a doubt.

"To the café then Gav," Marius replied still not taking his eyes off of Cosette. "May I lead you there, mademoiselle?" Marius asked Cosette offering her his arm.

"Yes monsieur," she said taking it. She was smiling.

"Can I lead you?" Gavroche asked Gabrielle.

She laughed, "Oh, but of course Gavroche," she replied. Cosette and Marius laughed a little finally taking there eyes of one another. It was only for a moment though.

A little boy was having better luck with Gabrielle than me. I was a little jealous. Would she let me lead her if I had asked? Marius and Cosette were so obviously in love. I was hoping it wasn't that obvious that I liked Gabrielle. If it was, I hoped that Gabrielle didn't notice.

We all walked to the café. Once we were inside and up the stairs, Gabrielle paused.

"Go on ahead," she said to the others. Cosette looked at her for a moment then nodded and went along. Gavroche looked like he was about to protest, but saw that Marius and Cosette were going so he followed them. We were alone in the hallway.

"Mademoiselle, what's wrong?" I asked her. I lead her over to a corner so we wouldn't be in view of the others in the room.

"Enjolras told me not to come here this morning. Then he said something else later," she said slowly.

"Well if he doesn't want you here we'll go find something else to do at the moment till he realizes he's mistaken," I replied smiling down at her. She looked up at me and smiled too.

"Come on then mademoiselle," I said leading her into the room.

"You may call me Gabrielle. You know that right?" she asked.

"Yes mademoiselle, er Gabrielle," I replied. She laughed.

We walked inside the café to join the others. I saw Marius, Cosette, Grantaire, Gavroche, and Éponine at a table. Some of the others were there as well. Combeferre, Joly, and Feuilly were all looking over a map at another table. Jean Prouvaire and Bahorel were about to leave.

We walked over to our own table. I was glad. Gabrielle kept looking at me, smiling, then blushing. I couldn't help, but blush too.

"Oh! We got a happy couple!" Grantaire says from the other side of the room. This causes everyone's attention to go to us.

"Courfeyrac's in love!" he shouted. Gabrielle laughed.

"Shut up R!" I hissed at him. It brought laughter throughout the room.

He brings a chair up to our table and everyone goes back to what they were doing before basically. "Mademoiselle," he says kissing her hand which had been laid out on the table. She laughed slightly and I just glared at him. He knew I liked her, and he was going to enjoy himself with making jokes about it.

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