Ch 10- The Future Can Be A Scary Place

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Sorry guys! I know I'm a day later than I said. Oh well, I tried! Enjoy!

Disclaimer- Although I do REALLY love the Divergent Trilogy, it does not belong to me. *sad face*

Tris POV

"Waaaaaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaaaaaa."

My eyes snap open to the sound of my baby crying. Uhhhhhhh. I glance over at the alarm clock. 3:27. Great! I slowly crawl out of bed and trudge down the hall to my youngest sons bedroom. I push open the door  to find Eli standing up in his crib, bawling his eyes out. I silently walk over towards him.

"Mama," he says, reaching his arms out for me.

"Hi baby," I say groggily, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I slowly reach down and pick him up, resting him on my hip.

"What's the matter, pumpkin? Did you have a bad dream again?" I ask him, walking out towards the living room.

He mumbles, shaking his head yes, and nestling himself into my neck.

"Well, you want mommy to sing to you until you go back to sleep?"

He shakes his head yes again as I take a seat in the recliner. I take a deep breath and start rocking him, remembering the lullaby my mom used to sing to my brother and I.

'Eli, mommy's precious little boy
Eli, you always bring me so much joy
And I'm so glad God gave you to me
Sleepy angel, face of peace
And I'm so glad God gave you to me
Close your eyes and go to sleep

Goodnight, goodnight
May God keep you and hold you tight
Goodnight, goodnight
My baby love goodnight
My baby love goodnight'

I stop rocking as the song comes to a close. He's knocked! I slowly get up and carry him back to his bedroom. I give him a kiss before laying him down and silently walking out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I make my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I lean against the counter, putting my head in my hands as I feel the tears start to fall. I love my kids and all, it's just, ever since our oldest son, Jonathan was born, Tobias has been distancing himself from me and the kids. At first, he just occasionally was called away for work, but it feels like he's gone all the time now. I never get to see him anymore. He's gone when I get up in the morning, and he doesn't get home until late, after the kids have gone to bed. He works most weekends, and I'm left to raise our two kids by myself. I wouldn't trade my kids for anything, but I can't help wondering if having kids has destroyed our relationship.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts by a poking in my side. I raise up my head and quickly wipe my tears, seeing my 4 year old son, Jonathan, standing beside me.

"What's wrong, mommy?" he asks, hugging himself to my waist.

"Nothing's wrong, baby. Mommy's just tired," I lie ruffling his blond hair. He pulls away from my leg to look at me.


"Yes, baby?" I say, crouching down and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Wake up, mommy," he says, staring into my eyes. A look of confusion crosses over my face. What? Before I can ask him what he means, he starts talking again.

"Mommy, wake up. Wake up, mommy... Tris. Tris, wake up. Wake up, Tris,"

My eyes snap open. I can feel the wetness on my face as I stare into a pair of worried blue eyes.

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