16 | Life's Gone

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"C'mon Ari, we can do this,"

Aviral nodded with confidence, looking in Arranya's nervous orbs behind her covered face with the surgical mask.

"Sister, bring me cotton bundles, and try to control her BP, fast," Aviral commands and all the OT technicians and other intern doctors went on their duties.

"Ari, are you okay?" Aviral questions worriedly, simultaneously looking at all the arrangements.

"Yeah, let's do this," Ari replies determinably, breathing twice to gather her courage and do the procedures required for the patient right now, and forget if she's somebody that Arranya knows.

"Let's get you treated so that you're at least alive till any senior doctors arrives, Aashi," Arranya firms her beliefs in her study and practice, and tried to control the situation along with Avi helping her.

They kept it all managed for the next fifteen minutes, until...

"Avi her BP is so high, the baby might die," Arranya looks at Aviral through his mask who was as tensed as she was about the situation.

Aviral gulped, trying to think what to do next when he asked a sister to go and check for any senior doctor if they've arrived yet or not.

"Aashi? Aashi can you hear me? Aashi open your eyes," Arranya stroked her hair in frequent motions, trying to bring Aashi back to her consciousness, but this seemed to fatal as her condition was just worsening by every second.


"Interns, what's the situation?"

But as Arranya gazed up to look at Aviral, she was interrupted by the rushed voice of a senior doctor who barged inside the OT to charge charge.

Arranya and Aviral both vacated the space near the stretcher for the doctor to check Aashi's condition.

"It's okay, relax. She'll be fine," Aviral muttered in her ear as he stood behind her while the doctor examined the patient.

"Where's the condition?" And here comes another doctor inside the OT to check upon her condition, giving hopes to both Aviral and Arranya that now everything would be under control.

And after a half hour of trying to save her life, while Avi and Arranya just spectated the procedure being done on her, Arranya crossed both her fingers to pray to god for her safety and health.

And slowly the couple observed how smoothly Aashi's heart rate and BP all went down to normal, giving them a ray of hope that everything is fine.

"Interns, good job but I guess she was brought here late," the latter doctor announces, catching their attention.

And happily, Arranya turns around halfway to look up at Aviral with her concealed smile behind the mask, that Aviral reciprocated which they both saw by the curves of their eyes. But they didn't know that the doctor wasn't completed yet.

"Although, she lost her baby, but she's fine now," the doctor added.

And it took a moment for Arranya to realise what he actually said.

"What- what?" She queried for confirmation with surprised eyes.

"She lost her baby, but she's stable now, Miss Awasthi," the doctor repeated, breaking Arranya's heart into pieces.

Although she hasn't felt how it feels like to become a mother, but being a girl, she can feel it. All the girls can feel that pain of losing your child, even though you aren't a mother yet. That feeling of such a great loss is just inbuilt in us. Isn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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