McNuggets and Forgiveness

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Everyone ignored me all day. I felt as if I had the black plague. I sat alone in all of my classes and didn't even bother going to lunch.
I finally made it through the day and walked slumpishly back to my dorm. When I opened the door I heard the sound of things thudding against floor. Brendon stood in a circle of broken glass and packets of drugs thrown everywhere. He was bright red, sobbing, his hair was disheveled.
"FUCK EVERYTHING" He screamed tears running down his face.
"Brendon I'm sorry." I said shocked at his outrage.
He stood there for a moment looking at me through a waterfall of tears. Then he ran barefoot on the glass and threw himself on me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and cried harder than I ever saw someone cry. I was frozen in a state where I knew not what to do.
"I'm sorry Dallon. I'm so sorry." he whispered over and over.
"Shhh no I'm sorry." I whispered back.

We didn't go to the dining hall that night but instead I drove Brendon and I to a McDonalds.
He had calmed down quite a bit and sat eating chicken nuggets staring out into an evening sky that started to drizzle.
"Brendon last night I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I was just confused. I've never had any kind of romance in my life. I thought you didn't like me."
He gazed into my eyes thinking for a moment.
"It wasn't all your fault. I was just triggered that's all. In my childhood I was raised to believe sex was a sin with anyone but your wife. While obviously I have disobey my religion and family in many ways I always see sex as a sin. I want to do it but I feel like even more of a failure in the eyes of my mother and father. My ex boyfriend and I fought a lot over sex. He began to cheat on me because of this and in the end left me all alone. I began to do a lot of drugs to compensate. I'm just so tired of all that though. That's why I broke all my bongs. I want to start over again." Brendon began to tear up again.

"Brendon I didn't know, I'm sorry. I don't even believe in slut shaming. I'm a hardcore feminist. I was just being selfish.  I just wanted to feel something in my life. I understand now."
"I do like you Dallon. I really do. I want to see where this goes but I wanna take it slow. I just want to let you know that I'm not perfect."
"I'm not perfect either Brendon. Let's not be perfect together."
We sat talking in the McDonalds until it closed.

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