Kissing and Fighting go hand in hand?

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"So I'm thinking of getting a mullet." Brendon stood looking in the bathroom mirror running his hands through his hair.

"Yassss gaga." I squealed as I shaved my stubbled in the sink next to him.

He pushed me playfully "You're so gay Dallon."

"Says the one wearing the shirt that's says be the top to my bottom." I joked.

"Don't make fun of my shirt, Spencer got it for me for my birthday last year." He stuck out his tongue.

"So he's straight?" I asked washing off my face.

"Yup, has a girlfriend named Lindsay. Really pretty too." He smiled getting undressed to go take a shower.

I looked away from him trying not to blush.

"You coming or do you want to be a gross boy tomorrow?" Brendon smirked wrapping a towel around his naked body.

It was 11, we had stayed up so brendon could show me some of Panic's music. The shower room was empty as we walked in. I'd only stripped down to an undershirt and boxers. The shower had no stalls it looked more like the shower room in the movie It.

Brendon hung up his towel leaving me to look at his perfectly shaped butt as he turned on the water. I looked closer to see scars on his legs and back that I hadn't noticed before.I blushed and went across to the other side to get undressed.

"What's the matter? Don't you wanna shower next to me?" Brendon pouted making a puppy dog face.

"No it's just that I don't know I've never showered with other boys in a room before." I stuttered.

I turned on the water as I let the hot droplets fall down on me.

Brendon walked over to the shower head next to mine.

"You can't ignore me that easily." He laughed turning on the water.

I washed my hair not daring to look at him.

"What am I ugly or something. Is it the scars? People get turned off by the scars." Brendon looked at me while he scrubbed his chest.

"No I think you're really handsome I just I don't know I don't feel like I'm worthy enough to look at you." I looked at my feet.

Brendon walked over to me and touched my shoulder.

"You're more than worthy." He whispered in my ear.

I looked up and into his warm brown eyes.

He kissed me suddenly. I was caught off guard but then I kissed back tasting his plump lips he slid his tongue in.

Was this really happening. I mimicked him and moved my hands down his body while his arms were wrapped around me. I pushed him against the wall picking him up. He wrapped his legs around me.

How far was this going? Oh god I didn't know what to do in this situation this was the first time I ever kissed anyone!

I think he could sense I had no clue and put his feet down. He stopped and smiled.

"You're a good kisser." He breathed and he walked back over to his shower to start shampoo his hair.

What just happened?


"What's up with you man?" Pete asked.

We sat in math class the next morning he sat next to me drawing pizza all over his paper. My tie was sloppy and I stared of into space.

"I don't know man. Something happened last night and I don't know if it was real or what happened." I huffed.

"Tell your buddy Peter what happened." He put his hand on his chin looking at me waiting for an answer.

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