There is Something About Brendon (Brallon Fanfic Boyxboy)

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 "Well here I am." I breathed pulling into my new home in my Soltice GXP convertible.

I slid my Ray Bans off to look at the enormous cream colored school. I drove Past the huge navy blue sign that said in gleaming white letters "CHARLES ACADEMY FOR THE MUSICALLY GIFTED."

I drove into a parking spot, the parking lot wasn't very crowded it being 8 in the morning and the registration didn't end until 6pm so everyone would come later in the day because obviously all the other juniors weren't as nervous as I was.

I sat in my car looking still looking at the massive school with butterflies in my stomach. Charles Academy for the Musically Gifted was an all boys boarding school. It was extremely difficult to get into. You had to audition several times and had to be able to play at least 2 instruments. You had to read music in several octaves and had to have a GPA of 3.8. They don't say it on the application but if you don't have a couple references from several important sources you wouldn't even be considered to be let in.

That is why even though I am a junior in high school this was my first year here. I just was accepted this July and luckily my parents are well employed enough to pay the heavy tuition. I had to say goodbye to my friends and my old band but it was worth this big opportunity.

I hopped out of the car and unto the pavement. Wow even the pavement was spotless, they must have power washed the whole place this summer. I grabbed my matching luggage that my mom bought for me saying,"It looks so professional to match your professional school!" I found it boring and ugly but she loved it so I went with it.

I jumbled my suitcases so that I could pick up my beautiful bass guitar and my acoustic guitar. I waddled briskly to the registration table on the sidewalk. It was several long folding tables with navy blue tablecloths. I walked up to the only 2 guys at the table.

"I'm fucking telling you Patty that you should get a tattoo." Said a dark hair emo kid, he had smudge eyeliner and was short but also muscular. He wore the School uniform which was khakis, a white dress shirt, and a navy blue sports jacket with the Charles academy crest on the pocket, it looked awkward on him and he fidgeted with it.

The boy named Patrick was also short with honey colored hair hiding under a black fedora. He wore black frames glasses and looked like a nerdy porcelain doll. He wore the same outfit but instead of the jacket he wore a navy blue cardigan with the crest also on the pocket and had on a crisp blue tie.

"No Pete, needles scare the frick out of me." Patrick said meekly.

"Uh hi." I interrupted their talk.

"Oh hey look finally a register!' Patrick smiled at me excitedly.

He stuck out his hand "Patrick stump year 11! This is Pete Wentz also year 11."

Pete nodded his head, "hey." He mumbled with a smirk.

"Hi I'm Dallon Weekes I'm new to this school. I'm also year 11." I smiled shaking Patrick's hand back.

"That's great! We don't have many people in the upper two years. Most kids drop out after a year or 2 here. We probably only have 50 guys in our grade." Patrick smiled.

"Why do so many drop out?

"It's a difficult and stressful school but also one of the greatest. Once you're graduated, you're probably one of the top young musicians in the country."

"Yeah, as you can see it took me 2 years to get in." I laughed.

Pete laughed, "I still don't have a clue as to how I got in."

"Your dad is one of the chairman."

"Oh right. I wish he wasn't maybe if I went to a public school I would havea social life and wouldn't be forced to practice 3 hours a day on the bass." He scoffed.

"You play bass too? I really love the instrument."

"I like the bass a lot but I like being a lyricist more."

"Do you sing?"

"Nah Patrick is my band's singer, I'm not anywhere compared to his singing. I can scream well just not sing."

"You guys are in a band? That's awesome. I was in a band but I had to leave it to come here."

"That's sucks dude, band members are like family."

Patrick looked through papers.

"Here you go, your school handbook, schedule, and room number!" He smiled handing them to me.

"What's your room number?" Pete asked leaning back in his chair.

"Um room 209."

Pete started laughing really hard.

'What is there something wrong with that room?"

"Patrick he got Mormon." Pete was almost crying.


"Brendon Urie. He is the number one ranked kid at the school. He can play anything and can sing in perfect pitch in 5 octaves. But as really talented people usually are he is off. He is one of our friends don't get us wrong but he is ocd and a bit scatter brained for a kid with an IQ of 165."

"Why do you call him Mormon?"

"It's a little joke us friends have because his family is Mormon as Mormon can get but Brendon is a raging homosexual drug user." Pete laughed.

"He's gay?"

"Yeah he is gay, 60% of the boys here are. Heck Patrick has been my boyfriend for two years.Do you have a problem with that?"

"No it's just that I'm gay and well I don't know a lot of other ones."

"Well welcome to our gay as shit club and trust me you'll like Brendon." Pete chuckled.

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