Drink of water, Drink of wine

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"You you ready to go?" I asked.

Brendon stood at the mirror tying his tie. I guess old vanity habits are hard to quit even if its pointless.

"Do I look Okay? You are my new mirror." He turned half facing me, his eyes we gazed at the ceiling, not knowing what to do with themselves.

"Does that job pay more than playing the bass in Panic!at the Disco?" I joked.

"Yes you get .00001 cents every time I use you. Now do you want to earn that .00001 cent?" He asked.

"You look great. You always look great." 

He gave a little smile.

"I'm sure you look great too."

I put his hand on my shoulder ready to go. He felt for his cane, which was propped up on the dresser. He knocked over picture of my old dog in the process.

"Fuck, sorry." He blushed out of frustration.

"Its fine, Biscuit is dead any way."

We laughed. He gripped the cane and sighed. "I'm ready. Lets get this show on the road."

This was his first day back in class.

I opened the door, I could feel his hand get tighter on my shoulder.

"You better not run me into poles and shit. I will tell on you to mother Patrick."He said as we began walking in the dorm hallway.

"Dang you caught onto my plan." I turned to make a face at him, then realized it was sadly pointless.

He foot began to drag again.He said it was one of the many same side effects he had. Kids in the hallways gawked at him as we passed them.

"People are staring aren't they? Ha, I guess it's what I get for wanting to be the center of attention." He tried to sound confident but I could feel the hinge of nervousness.

I opened the door which led to the outside. It was a warm sunny day.

"Yo, hang on I gotta put on sunglasses so I don't fuck with the sun. I'm gonna look like a textbook blind guy. At this rate, I'll have a golden retriever by tomorrow." We laughed.

He put on dark sunglasses, they were quite stylish. I bet he made a fit when he acquired so he didn't have ugly ones.

"Alright proceed on my good man."

"Choo choo." I giggled. The pavement made a scratchy sound as he drug his foot.

"Your shoes must hate you."I laughed.

We were almost to the school building when we met up with Spencer.

"You're looking good gay lord." He ruffled Brendon's fluffy hair.

"Do you think I'll get some pity fucks out of this?" Brendon laughed.

"If Lindsey ever dumps me I'm taking you to a bar and  you can tell women how caring and understanding I am."

Spencer held the door as we walked into the cool building. 

Brendon stopped and took off his sunglasses. 

"Do I look freaky when I talk to people?"

"Nah, you look like you are in a deep thought. It looks poetic.'' I said.

"Oooh, I'll look even more artistic."

We were in front of Musical Creation.

"You ready to make a statement Brendon?" Spencer asked.

"Oh you know I am."

We entered and we immediately greeted by Haley. She hugged Brendon.

"My lil music baby is back! I'm so glad to see you."

"Me too!" 

She let go of him, she seemed like she was getting ready to cry." Alright lets gets you situated. We are doing new songs today, so it's a pretty chill day and you can sit back."

Brendon plopped down on a bean bag with my help. "Actually I have a new song to sing if you can fit me in."

She gleamed "Of course!"

Spencer and I sat on either side of Brendon. Josh and Tyler had just walked in. When they saw Brendon Tyler ran over to hug him

"My little sad boy! How I have missed you!" Brendon said giving Tyler a huge hug.

"Brendon." Josh said, he wasn't much of a touchy lovey person but you could hear the love in his voice.

"Josh." Brendon smiled. He tried looked in his direction by sound but ended up staring at a poster of a kitten playing drums on the wall.

As everyone rolled in they all greeted Brendon as if he was a bride on her wedding day. All of our group sat as close as they could to him. Kenny even sat on the same bean bag as Brendon and snuggled him. Unlike Josh, Brendon was all about physical love.

As class went on we all sang our songs, even myself. It was entitled "I'd be a punk if my mom would let me."

Finally it was Brendon's turn. He was guided on stage by Haley and he sat on the seat, he grabbed  a acousticguitar. The room was silent.

We were all ready for  a sad song. Instead we got something completely different.

The guitar was played fast and hard. He didn't managed to miss a single cord.

"Tonight we are victorious

Champagne pouring over us
All my friends were glorious
Tonight we are victorious
Oh-oh-oh-oh, victorious

He held that note so long and powerfully.

"Double bubble disco queen headed to the guillotine
Skin as cool as Steve McQueen, let me be your killer king
It hurts until it stops, we will love until it's not
I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Christmas lights                                                                                       My touch is black and poisonous                                                                                                                                               And nothing like my punch-drunk kiss                                                                                                                                     I know you need it, do you feel it?                                                                                                                                         Drink the water, drink the wine!"

Brendon was back.

Author's Note:.

I just wanted to say I did research stroke affects a lot before doing this, that being said this may not be a 100% true to life because this has never happened to me *knock on wood* but  I tried.

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