Kid's Meals and Feilds

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With Brendon there were 3 extremes to his personality. He was either silly and funny or he was horribly depressed Or he was was intellectual Brendon. We all forget about the really intelligent personality. He would try to hide it behind the happy but when Brendon and I chilled we were free to express any emotion.
I know it seems like the emotions were one sided but I never really want to talk about the nights of Brandon holding me while I had countless panic attacks about my classes. The nights where he would kiss my head, play me soft music, and tell me everything was gonna be okay. The nights where we would stay up very late so he could help me with a paper due the next day or help me learn a song for class.
We helped each other.
Today was smart Brendon. The way he did he did schoolwork is the way a ballerina dances on stage, graceful and determined.
I slouched on my bed reading a smut novel for the cringe and the occasional passage readings for Brendon, if they we exceptionally awful. Brendon sat at his desks typing an English paper. He fingers flying on the keyboard. Radiohead played in the background.
"Hey." Brendon said as he stopped typing his paper. He must already be done with it, he never leaves his homework half finished.
"Ye boy." I said not looking up from my book.
"Be my boyfriend."
My heart raced. Okay gotta act cool.
"Okay." I put my book down.
I was dying from happiness.
"Good." he smiled, the smile killed me with kindness.
He turned back to his computer and clicked his computer software to read back what he typed.
I put my book back up. I could have screamed I was in so much bliss.
"Wanna go to dinner tonight, I'll pay? My parents started talking to me again after the stroke. They send allowances to me to compensate for the fact they haven't spoken to me for 2 years. " he still faced the computer, his eyes still mimicked the habit of looking at the computer screen.
"I would love to."
His hand half covered his lips but I could see the silly smile he was making.
When Brendon means dinner he means a night time snack. Brandon eats at weird hours, I'm used to it by this point. So at 11pm we rolled out. Most of the restaurants closed at ten. The only thing open was Taco Bell and Applebees. Sadly we went to Applebees.
"I'm sorry we have to eat at Applebees. I didn't want this to be our first date." he sat across from me in a booth.
We got to choose anywhere to sit because no one else was here. The hanging light illuminated Brandon perfect face.
"Hey I'm just glad we are on a date."
"Give me your hand."
I put out my hand and he held it. His soft skin holding my callused hands. I felt a rush of electricity.
"Now that you are my boyfriend I'm gonna act like a Prima Donna. So read me the menu servant." Brandon laughed and I laughed back.
"Will do your highness."
I began to read off the menu as Brandon leaned in memorized by my voice
"Can I get your orders?" the waitress had come up. She was young, in her twenties and had lovely blonde hair.
"Yes I will have the shrimp platter with a sweet tea." I smiled.
"And for you?" she asked Brandon.
"Is  there anyway I can order a kids meal?" he smiled.
"I'm not technically allowed to but I'll make an exception because you are precious." She smiled. 

"You are so sweet I love your voice! I'll have a chicken kids meal with a coke." He gave her his winning smile.

I could see she was crushing hard on him. I mean how could You not.

"Your Food will be out shortly. "
"Man you could kill a person's family and they wouldn't even charge you for it. You are so cute and likable."
"You are cute and likable."
We had a shitty meal but a great date.
When dinner was done it was 12am. They closed at that time and kicked up out.
"I don't want this date to end, like I know we live together but it's special." I poured.
"We could go to the field where we played the first day."
"Hell yeah." 

As I drove Brandon had put the window down and leaned closer to feel the fall air on his face, it was October and the fall had finally came. I almost crashed because I stared at his calm face.

I parked illegally in the field and turned my radio up so we could hear it. Sinatra play. I grabbed Brendon's hand. Leaving his cane in the car. The chill brought out the rosiness in his cheeks. We laid down. His head burrowed in my neck. I could hear his soft breath.

"Hey loser." Brendon said in a lovable sarcastic voice.

"Yeah dummy."I snickered back as rub his arm.

"Tell me the story of when you knew for sure you were gay." He kiss my ear lobe.

"Well, I was 14, which I know that's pretty late. I had thought about it for years before hand. Unsure of what was going on."

"What  happened at the age of 14 that confirmed it?" He smiled.

"I got a girlfriend."

"You got a girlfriend?"He laughed.

"Yeah her name was Lauren. She had a crush on me and asked me to be her boyfriend. I was scared that if I said no all my old guy friends would question it. She was beautiful don't get me wrong but I wasn't into to it. So she asked me over one night to watch a Kanye concert she bought on paperview. I love Kanye so I said yes. Little did I know she wanted to fuck me. We made out and I was not feeling. She rudely took my dick out and tried to get it up.  Boy did it stay down. I then left after I had to hold her while she cried and say she was pretty." 


"What about you?"

He didn't answer for a moment.

"Well, I was 12. My parents worked all the time and when I did see them it was all about church or to yell at me.  I spent a lot of time with my neighbor's 13 year old son. I had weird feelings for him. We would practice guitar in his room because he was super rich and had like 7 different guitars. He taught guitar to me. I took piano lessons almost as much as I went to church. My parents thought it was classy, I love piano but when I pick guitar I was hooked. Anyway  we were always alone, his parents worked a lot as well. One day he asked me if he could jack off to me and he would give me twenty bucks. My parents are well off but I never had money because they didn't like to spoil me.  I said yes. He did his thing as I kept practicing the guitar. Every visit he would pay me money for doing things like practicing naked or I would jack off and he would watch me. It sounds very sick looking back but I thought it was fun at the time. One of those times his mom came home early because she didn't feel well. when she came home she found her son sucking my dick. She told my parents and my parents kicked me out at the age of 14. Wow that sounds so sad boy, I'm fine. My parents want us to be a family again. "

He played with the button on my shirt. 

I laughed.

"What's funny?" Brendon asked.

"We both had really shitty sexual awakenings."

He laughed. "Now we are shitty together."

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