Gay Daddies

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Tick Tock Tick Tock


I was bubbling in a the scantron like a madman. The clock indicated I only had 1 minute left before the bell rung and the finals were taken up, I still had to finish 5 more questions. I was so tired that I could literally feel the bags under my eyes. This was my last final, the worst final, my musical history final. I could feel cold sweat dripping down my back and my head was in 400 different places all at once. I couldn't fuck this test up. I scribbled in the last bubble right as the bell rang. The weight of taking the test was lifting off my shoulders and a new weight of nervousness and uncertainty took its place. I looked at Tyler who sat next to me, his test had been finished 10 minutes ago and he somehow managed to fall asleep in that short time frame. The bell woke him up. He rubbed his eyes and looked over to me.

"How'd you do?" He sleepily asked.

"No fucking clue."

Mr. Hoppus picked up our tests and gave me another pity smile. If I get in next year I pray to god I don't have him as one of my teachers.

"Wanna go grab dinner with us and the crew?" Tyler asked as we shuffled out of the classroom. 

"Sure." I smiled. I needed sleep but I had flaked on the group this whole month.

"Cool, we are heading out at 7ish, I'll come get you and Bren around then. I'm really glad you can come!" Tyler smiled.

I smiled back.

"Me too! See you then." I said as we went our separate way down the hallway.

I found Brendon hanging outside the teacher breakroom. He had to have assistance to his finals so all day he had been cooped up in the teachers room as Mr. Bryar read all of Brendon's written tests out loud. Yesterday was all the weird artisty finals, today was the boring shit. Brendon's uniform was crumpled, he probably finished his finals in 2 minutes and then slept for the rest of the day.

"Yo." I slid my arm around the insanely bored looking Brendon.

"What are you gay?" Brendon said, he kissed my cheek.

"No homo bro." I kissed his lips.

"So how'd it go." Brendon asked looked up in my direction aimlessly.

"I have no clue." 


"Where is our goddamn pizza?" Joe grumbled, it was loud enough for the employees to hear.

"We just ordered it." Patrick said, his little polite self blushed over Joe's rudeness.

We sat at a makeshift long table in none other than Papa's house. (#papabless) It was grimy and we were the only people brave enough to actually eat in the joint.

 Tyler was showing Josh how to make a squiggly snake from a straw wrapper.Andy and patrick were chatting quietly. MCR crew were comparing their eyeliner game, Frank and Gerard were about to punch each other in the face over arguing that their eyeliner was better than the other. Kenny and Brendon were speaking about cheesy 80s movies. Spencer and I talked about super heroes as Pete teased us for being nerds.  

"I hate Ant Man." Pete said, intejecting into our conversation.

"You monster." Spencer shook his head.

"Do you hate goodness?" I asked.

"No I hate Paul Rudd. Fucking asshole."

"You know that's what everyone says, Paul Rudd is the devil." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

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