Third eye blind

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(Probs gonna have grammar mistakes. I make these very late at night, sorry)

Serious health problems can happen to anyone no matter how young. I learned this is the most painful way. 

It was 5pm when Pete barged into my dorm. He was sweating heavily and tears falling from his eyes. I was in my boxers reading a cheesy crime paperback

"DALLON SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED TO BRENDON!" He yelled through his sobs and then gasped breath.

 I jumped up and grabbed his shoulders in a panic."What happened?!"

He was almost inaudible "He collapsed and couldn't breath in music theory. He was taken away in an ambulance. I think I heard the E.M.Ts say that it was a stroke. Oh god." 

Pete collapsed in my arms. I didn't know how to respond, I was in shock.

"Oh my god. Where did they take him?

"Saint Judes. Spencer went with him."

"We need to go, I'll drive."

I laid him on my bed and dressed quickly. I was tearing up.


We sat outside of Brendon's hospital room all night. They wouldn't let us in until he was stable. His parents hadn't arrived yet. 

They said he was in a coma. A fucking coma.


When his parents arrived they wouldn't let us in the room, so we waited ,going about our day in hollow shells.

Brendon woke up from for a coma a week later and Spencer was let in the room.

Spencer came back to school greeted with the panicked faces of all his friends. Spencer didn't say anything that day, he was in shock. The next day we learned what upset him so much.

Now strokes have many effects to their victims. Brendon was no exception. 

"His right side of his brain was affected." Spencer held a cup of coffee.

We had met in my room. Spencer , Pete, and Patrick sat on Brendon's bed. It was still messy, like Brendon left it. Jon sat next to me. Tyler,Josh, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Travie sat on the floor or at the desks.

"What does that mean?" Travie asked.

"Well it means a lot of things,but the big thing is he uh. He went blind."

We sat in shock.

"Like blind blind? Can he get his vision back?" Tyler spoke up.

"No,the doctors said he will never be able to see again."

Pete stood up.


Patrick grabbed him and held him close. Pete began to sob for the billionth time this week. We all did.

I wanted to die.

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