There is Something About Brendon (finale)

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The humid sun beat down on our backs, I was uncomfortably sweaty. It probably wasn't smart holding another warm person to your body while trying to beat the heat but, I would have a heat stroke before I let him go. 

Brendon trembled as I hugged him, his greyhound bus taking him to jesus camp was arriving any minute. The scene was so terribly sad that a stranger would've guessed that we were parting ways forever, 3 months apart from Brendon was equivalent to not seeing him ever again in my mind. 

He was so scared, scared of being bullied, being left out, being alone. Brendon couldn't do anything to stop it though, he had only just turned 17 in April and you had to be 18 to opt out of your parents forcing you to go to camp. I just wanted to take him home with me all summer, take him home where he would be loved, take him home where he would be with me. I could hear his muffled sobbed in my shoulder, when he would detach from me I would look even more sweaty because of it. 

We hadn't really said much this morning, he just held onto me, not wanting to let me slip away from his grasp and disappear like everyone had done to him before. Brendon would be on his own again, the only way to communicate to him was through phone and the camp only allowed one call per week, if I missed a call he wouldn't be able to try again until the next week. It was like fucking prison. 

There weren't many people at the bus station, a couple old people, a single looking mom with a couple of kids. The strangers did their best not to stare at us but I know they were secretly glancing, wanting to watch the gay boy spectacle. 

I could hear the sound of dread approaching, the noise of a bus was hard to miss. I knew Brendon had heard it because when it had made a noise he grabbed my back tighter.

The bus stopped, I watched the door swing open. The bus driver was a middle aged chubby woman, she had a sweet enough face and I felt relieved, I was worried about Brendon making it to camp safely. He was a pretty and very vulnerable boy.

"Nashville, Tennessee destination bus, time to board." She said over an intercom, that was Brendon's bus.

"Brendon." I whispered to him.

"No please." He cried.

I pried him a little bit away to stare at his face, it definitely showed that he had been sobbing. The terror in his eyes had sunk my soul into the pit of my stomach.

"Brendon I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I promise you or may god strike me dead, that in August I will be in this exact same spot when you come back. I'm not leaving you." I was tearing up.

"Dallon I'm gonna miss you so much. You are the sweetest person I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I'm glad I met you, you are my sunshine. You are the reason I'm still standing. I love you more than I love air. I know that line was fucking cheesy but I mean it." He choked out.

"I love you more you little fuck boy." I smiled and kissed him. 

"Warning notice, please board the bus if you have not." The lady interjected on the intercom again.

I walked Brendon over to the bus doors.

I kissed him hard. I felt the last comforting hug before he let go to climb on board.

"I love you Dallon James Weekes and if I don't see you in August I will be crushed." He wiped away some tears as he turned on the top step to say those words.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything."  I was devastated.

He gave me a smile, it killed me that he couldn't see the smile I was giving back. It killed me that I wouldn't be able to wave good bye to him comfortingly as I would watch the bus disappear.

The bus lady had a look on her face that read "this is the most fucking pitiful thing I've ever seen."

"Please take care of him." I said to her as Brendon walked down to his seat row, I could still see him sobbing.

She nodded a yes.

"I love you so much Brendon." I shouted just before she closed the door.

I stared at Brendon through the window, his head rested on the closed window, his face in his hands. I just wanted to kick the door down and rescue him but all I could do is watch him cry.

As the bus rolled away the taste of dread hit my mouth, it was bitter and hateful. As water rolled down my body I couldn't tell if it was sweat or my tears. The bus vanished over the mountain and I stood there all alone, I pulled out my phone, scanning through my apps to end up in my camera roll. I kept my eyes glue to a picture. The picture was  taken last August, it was a picture of Brendon posing next to me. Pete had taken the picture so I could send it to my mom. As I gazed I noticed something I hadn't before. Brendon was looking at me in the photo, back when he still had vision, like he had nothing but pure love in mind. He looked at me like I was the whole world, like I was perfect, like I was the most priceless thing. His face looked like he knew something, something special, something no one would ever have the pleasure to understand but him. That's how Brendon was, he was something I'd never seen before, he was a strange, goofiest, and most beautiful something I had ever loved. 

I stared at the picture until it was nothing but blurred blobs,  I stared until the tears in my eyes made the image of us into undescriptive colored shapes. 


That's the end boys. Thank you all so much for the love and support you have given this fanfic over the past 2 years. I was actually crying as I wrote this last chapter. 


Tobey aka the asshole who made this fanfic so goddamn dramatic, so sad boy, and ridiculous

Bless up.

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