The accordian has never been so sexy.

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"Hey!!!" Pete said opening his dorm door.

"So who is at this shit hole party?" Brendon asks as he leaned on the doorway entrance.

I stood there nervously.

"Yah know the gents." Pete smiled opening the door all the way Brendon ran in.

I walked in to see a group of boys playing uno in a circle. Some of them had beers but most just had diet coke.

"We have an interesting group, half of them are die hard stoners and the other half are straight edged as fuck." Pete laughed.

Brendon was sitting on one of the beds chatting a boy's ear off. The boy was really pretty in like a womenish way with piercing eyes and sharp eyebrows. On the contrary to a normal  woman's face however, he had stubble but it looked nice with his hazel colored hair.

"Dallon hey Dallon come here!" Brendon said waving me over.

I shuffled over not trying to step on anyone.

"This is Spencer he Drums in my band and is my best friend in the whole world. He is also straight which is a bit of a bummer but whatever I love him." Brendon said smiling.

"Hi Spencer I'm Dallon, Brendon's new roommate." The lady boy shook my hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you sorry you're stuck with this loser." He joked.

"You're the one that plays with Legos sir." Brendon huffed.

"Because Legos are awesome."

"Hey Dall come meet the rest of the crew!" Pete smiled as he sat on the ground, UNO cards in one hand a beer in the other.

I plopped down next to him.

"Alright first we got the guy next to you, that's Joe, he is the guitarist for my amazing band Fall out boy and believe it or not he is a bigger stoner than Brendon. He is super Jewish and he is a hetero"

"Yo." Joe said.

Joe had a huge fro and a calm face with half opened eyes. 

"Next to Joe we have Andy, he drums for my band, unlike Joe he is a straight edge vegan and I have no idea on his sexual preference is because I've never seen him with anyone and he won't tell because thebitch barely talks."

"Hi." Andy said as he took a sip for his water.

He had long wavy brown hair and glasses. Neck up he looked like a nerd, the rest of his body was ripped and covered in tatts.

"Next to Joe all of My Chemical Romance the most emo band of all time. We have Gerard and Mikey Way they are brothers, then Gerard's boyfriend Frank, then Ray the other guy with a fro." Gerard and Frank has black shiny hair they matched in an emo way. This group of boys just had great eyebrows because they were on point. Mikey has blond hair sorta like Miley Cyrus' and Ray had a light brown fro, he had huge unnatural women lips and he freaked me out a little.

"Then we have Twenty One Pilots. The little duo and amazing couple Josh and Tyler."

Tyler looked like a little lost puppy while Josh had blue messy hair and a look of "I'm a cool dude but also a badass."

"Then lastly we have Kenny who belongs to the gay ass band Panic! At the Disco."

"Don't you make fun of our band Mr!" Brendon shouted at Pete.

Kenny looked sweet as can be.

"Hi nice to meet you!" Kenny said in a slightly southern voice.

"You too." I smiled

There is Something About Brendon (Brallon)Where stories live. Discover now