School with Sapporta

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My alarm clock beeped loudly. I groaned slamming it off.

"Finally someone is awake." Brendon said.

I opened my eyes groggily to see Brendon dressed up and quavered perfectly lounge in his desk chair reading a book and smoking a cigarette. A cup of Starbucks sat on the desk.

"Ugh. What time did you wake up."

"I told you I don't sleep." Brendon smiled taking a sip of coffee.

"What do you do at night."

Brendon put down his book and stretched as he stood up. He walked over to me and handed me his coffee.

"You look like you need some of this." He laughed.

I took a sip, it 1/8th coffee and the rest was sugary cream.

"We'll as the scholarship kid I get my own recording booth. I have keys to it so I go at night to practice instruments." He looked out the window to see the pink and orange sky.

"Own studio? Posh." I set the coffee down and stretched wiping my eyes as I sat up.

"I know the school makes me feel like a spoiled princess." He giggled.

"So how'd you get to be the scholarship kid. Must have been hard work. This being a gifted school."

"Ways." He smirked. "Now get up and get dress this is your first day at school kiddo."


"Welcome to Musical creation! I'm your teacher Ms. Williams but call me me Haley."

I sat in music creation next to Brendon. The room wasn't desks and chairs it was a big room with purple and green bean bag chairs and a stage up front with a with a million different instruments. This was definitely not public school.

"I hope you all had a great summer and you did your homework I assigned." Haley wiggled her eyebrows.

Haley was a very pretty women, probably mid 20's she was thin and had bright orange hair and a beautiful face. She bounced around energetically.

"Alright so who did their homework of writing a song?"

Fall Out Boy raised their hands and so did Panic! at the Disco, Brendon was especially energetic, Tyler was forced to raise his hand all the way by Josh.

"So do you guys wanna play them for me?"

"Us us us us us. We're better pick us!" Brendon said like a dog begging for food scraps.

"Why am I not surprised Brendon. Haha sure Panic! at the Disco can go first." Haley smiled.

"Yes." Brendon said jumping up, Spencer got up slowly and stretch and Kenny followed.

"Uh we need a bass player to help out, I have written out notes you can read." Brendon asked.

"Hey Dallon you are a bassmaster right? How about you help Mormon out." Joe said.

"Yeah Dallon help us out." Brendon smiled.

"Uh okay." I got up nervously.

"Hi Dallon nice to meet you!" haley said.

"You too." I blurted going up on the stage and picking up a bass.

"Here." Kenny said, handing me the bass music.

Brendon scooted the keyboard over to the mic.

"Alright party people this song is called Nearly Witches."

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