Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Falcon, some facts about myself are that I love music, all sorts of music too, I love my family and friends and sarcasm is like my second language.

I have never really fit in in social groupings but my best friends, Urla, Carla, Kacy and I have made our own group call FUCK, the first letters of all our names. The majority of school are scared of our group because of me, let me explain why - everyone in our group have a strong emotion we showcase a lot, for Urla it's happiness, for Carla it's disgust, for Kacy it's sadness and for me it's anger. My friends and I are different to normal people we all found out why when we were 10, then we all meet at 12 and have been best friends ever since. This is a secret but if you promise not to tell then you can know, my friends and I can each control an element. I control Fire, Urla controls Earth, Carla controls Water and Kacy controls Wind. None of us know why we were born this way but we were and for all we know we are alone in the world. Instead of fighting and being enemies we stick together as best friends and sisters.

I live in Huntington, America. I live in a white two story house with a big garden out the back and a pool house with a pool. I go to Huntington High School with my friends, my older brother and Kacy and Carla's older brothers. Blake, Justin and Damien are all in senior year while Urla, Carla, Kacy and I are in junior year. 

A little bit about my family - I have a mum and dad then I have Blake my older brother, then me, then my younger brother Jamie. Blake is very overprotective of me, always trying to make sure I'm ok and scaring those who pick on me. Blake knows I can stick up for myself but he's a bit like me and always sticks up for his family and friends. Jamie is only 4 but he is a very kind and caring little dude. My mum is kind of strict but she has a soft side, she's a nurse and loves her job. My dad is a super carefree guy and is more of teddy bear than what he looks to be, he's a lawyer and very good at what he does but it means he has travel a lot. I basically raise Jamie because dad's always working or travelling and mum's either working or out with her friends socialising. Blake is usually out with his mates but always makes time for Jamie and I.


It's Monday that means school, I slowly drag myself out of bed and go to the bathroom. I do my business before walking out of the bedroom to my walk in wardrobe. I chuck on my black skinny jeans, a white crop top, my leather jacket and then put on my black combat boots.

Once dressed I grab my iPad, put it in my bag then grab my phone. I pick up my bag and then walk downstairs to the kitchen. Blake is already there having his breakfast but looks like mum is already gone and dad is still on his business trip.

"Morning Blake, where's Jamie?"

"Morning Fal and Jamie's still in bed."

"Why? Mum usually gets him up?"

"Mum didn't come home last night."

"Oh. I'll go wake him." I reply then walk back up the stairs to Jamie's room. 

It's really weird that my mum didn't come home last night, she always comes home and if not she makes sure Blake and I both know.

I walk into Jamie's room and over to his bed, I kneel downside him and gently shake him.


"No sweetie, mumma's not here."


"Yea bud. Come on time to get up."

He stretches out before getting out of bed and going to his walk in wardrobe and picking out what he wants to wear. He comes back out with a pair of navy blue shorts, white v-neck top, navy blue zip up jumper and black converse. I help him get changed before picking him up and carrying him down the stairs.

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