Chapter 9

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I look everywhere and spot Dom but not the twins. I run over to Dom, "Dom, you need to listen carefully, where are the twins?"

"They're still inside. I was outside getting something out of the car before something in the kitchen blew up and suddenly the house was on fire. They are probably in their room on the second floor."

"Ok, stay here and hold these." I answer while taking off my jacket and boots. I hand them to Dom and he looks at me funny but before he can ask I run towards the house. I hear him yelling at me but I don't stop.

I run up the front stairs and kick the burning door out of the way. I run into the house and look for the stairs. When I find them I run to them and then up. I find the twins in a room screaming and crying. I pick them up and run down the stairs again making sure to move the flames away from our path. I run out of the house and over to Dom. I hand him the twins and look him dead in the eye, "Is there anything in that house that you need?"

"Your not going back in there." He states

"Dom, tell me."

"There's this bag in my wardrobe, in my room that has everything that means something to us. I always have it packed just in case."

"Ok, where's your room?"

"Your not going back in there."

"Fine." I sigh and Dom looks happy with himself and relaxes.

I run off and into the house again. The house is falling apart but I know I will be fine if I hurry. I run up the stairs again and run into every room until I find Dom's. There's fire everywhere but I don't care. I run over to the wardrobe and see a big duffel bag in the corner. I use my powers to wipe the flames off it so that it's undamaged along with it's contents. I grab the bag and rush out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house. I run back over to Dom and drop the bag at his feet.

He looks at me with wide eyes and I realise I didn't deactivate my powers so my hair will me on fire and my eyes will be bright red and dancing with flames. I grab my jacket and pat my hair down while deactivating my powers.

"Have you got your car keys with you?" I ask.

"Yea in my pocket." He answers still shocked.

"Ok great, give them to me."


"Cause I'm going to get your car away from the house."

"Forget the car. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I answer while looking around to see everyone staring at me.

"Everyone saw what you did. It's not normal." Dom comments.

"I'm not normal but I know what to do in a fire. I can get in and out of a burning fire without being burnt because I trained."

"You trained?"

"Yea. It's not a big deal but people aren't used to it. The fire department know about me being able to do this so they just concentrate on putting out the fire. I've got everything out by the time they're here anyway."

"You do this often."

"When there's a fire."


"Well if your not letting me get your car then we need to get to a safe place."

"How far away is your house?"

"Five minute walk."

"All right."

I take Diana from him and she clings to me while Dom takes Dennis and the duffel bag.

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