Chapter 4

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Dominic didn't end up coming around yesterday afternoon but I wasn't too fussed because to be honest he is kind of a pain in the a** and if he's the bad boy he comes across to be then I don't really want any part of it.

I look at the time on my alarm clock and see that it's 7am so I decide to get up and hang out with Blake before he leaves for school. I walk out of my room and down the stairs and into the kitchen where Blake is standing making a coffee.

"Morning." I greet while I go to get myself a mug from the cupboard.

"Morning, what are you doing up so early?" Blake asks as he sits down at the breakfast bar and I move to the bench to make myself a milo.

"I just woke up early so I decided to come hang with you till you left, is that all right?"

"It's fine I was just curious."

"Ok. I'll probably go back to bed after you've left any way but I'll see how I go."

"Ok. How do you like Drake?"

"He seems like a good guy, good vibes. Why do you ask?"

"No reason just wanted to know how you felt about being in a house filled with guys."

"When aren't I in a house filled with boys, mum's hardly ever here."

"True, true. Do you have something against mum?"

"Na not really I just wish she was around more for Jamie cause we leave soon and then he'll be alone." I say then start thinking about my conversation with Drake yesterday.

"You have your thinking face on, what are you thinking about?

"Just a conversation I had yesterday with Drake. I was talking about when I leave I could take Jamie with me so he's not alone but I don't know."

"I don't know about that either, I get that you love him and all but I don't think our parents would be too happy if you took him away."

"Dad's basically never here and mum forgets about Jamie most of the time, I don't wanna leave him with that."

"What do you mean mum forgets about Jamie?" Blake asks and I could sense his anger rising.

"Well a couple weeks ago I was babysitting and you were at a friends and mum came home with an ice cream for me but she only bought one, she forgot about Jamie so I gave mine to him so he wouldn't be upset."


"Keep your voice down! Yes she forgot."

"Well in that case take him with you when you leave don't even give mum and dad the choice."

"I'll talk to dad about it but I don't know about mum."

Drake walks into the kitchen looking half asleep, "What's all the yelling this early?"

"Sorry we didn't mean to wake you. We're fine go back to bed." I say gently.

"All right if your sure."

"I'm sure, go."

Drake nods and walks back out of the kitchen.

Before either of us can start up conversation again the phone rings so I put down my milo and go to answer it.

"Hello?" - Me.

"Hello this is Lisa from the hospital, I was wondering if you knew where your mother was and if she's coming into work today?" - Lisa.

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