Chapter 10

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When we got to the mall Dom and I got out of the car before getting the kids. We walked into the mall and went to Cotton On Kids first to sort out some of the kids clothes.

We are now searching through the clothes, I'm helping Diana while Dom helps Dennis.

While Diana is in the changing room trying on clothes I stand outside waiting. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Justin, Kacy's older brother, he smiles at me and I smile back.

"What are you doing in Cotton On Kids, Justin?" I ask.

"Well actually I was walking past and saw you so I came to say hi. So hi." Justin replies with a goofy smile.

"Hi Justin. So have you found yourself a girl yet?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.

"No Falcon, I don't. But I like being a free man."

"Well you'll find the right girl or guy."


"You never know, you might meet a guy and bam! Your in love."

Justin chuckles before answering, "You have a crazy imagination sis."

"Why thank you." I say while bowing.

Justin and I stand there laughing before Diana comes out with the clothes she wants.

"Do I not get to see you in them?" I ask sweetly.

"No, it's a surprise."

"All right then. Do you need anything else from here?"

"I don't think so but my legs are tired."

"Ok sweetheart." I take the clothes from her and hand them to Justin before picking Diana up and placing her on my hip. 

I go to take the clothes back from Justin but he says, "I got it."

"All right. Diana this is my friend Justin. Justin this is Diana, Dom's little sister."

"Nice to meet you Diana." Justin says gently and Diana smiles before waving shyly.

I walk out of the changing rooms and see Dom searching for something with a concerned look on his face. I walk over to him and asks, "What are you looking for?"

"I kinda lost the boys." Dom answers nervously.

"Jamie come here and bring Dennis!" I demand and Jamie and Dennis come out of the rack of clothes.

"I tried calling them but they didn't come." Dom comments.

"Jamie knows not to mess with me."

"Falcon, unless you want a mall scene you need to leave." Justin says from beside me.

"Why?" I ask.


"I'll be nice, promise." 

"Who's Joey?" Dom asks from beside me. I turn to look at Dom and see he has confusion and curiosity written all over his face.

"Someone who doesn't like me very much." I answer.

"Well that's one way of putting it." I hear Joey say and look forward to see Joey looking smug.

"Hello Joey, how are you?" I greet sweetly.

"Hello Falcon, I'm just wonderful. How are you?"

"That's great but personally I could be better."

"Why is that? Is it because of me?"

"Not everything is about you Joey. No actually my mother died."

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