Chapter 2

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I got up and walked downstairs knowing I was home all day I didn't bother to get changed yet.

I rang mum and dad last night but neither of them could come home so I'm going to be looking after Jamie while they are away. I also told the girls so they are going to get homework for me and get me up to speed when I need it.

I walk into the kitchen and see Blake standing by the sink finishing his coffee.

"Morning bro." I greet while going to the cupboard and getting a milo cup.

"Morning Fal, you gonna be ok today?"

"Yea I'll just do some chores, make dinner, bake, play with Jamie and other crap like that."

"I'm so annoyed at mum and dad."

"Don't be, especially dad he is in London and can't get back, he even asked if he could get a couple days off. He tried, mum didn't."

"They should use some of the money to pay for a maid or something."

"No it's fine. Now go to school I'll be fine."

He comes over and gives me a hug before kissing my forehead and leaving the house.

It's only quarter to eight so I trudge back up to my room and decided to get a little bit more sleep.


I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I get out of bed and open the door to see Jamie  standing sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Hey baby." I say as I bend down and pick him up. He snuggles into my neck before whispering, "Someone's at the door, they keep knocking."

"Ok let's go see who it is." I say and walk down the stairs carefully then go to the front door. I open it and see a oldish man standing there with his hand about to knock on the door again.

"Hello, can I help you?" I ask.

"Hello, miss I'm Drake Grey and I was wondering if your father is here or your mother?"

"No they are both at work sorry. Can I take a message?"

"Can I come in and talk to you please dear?"

"Sure." I answer hesitantly and step aside while opening the door wider so the man can come in.

I close the door behind him and lead him into the kitchen.

"Would you like something to drink Mr Grey?"

"Coffee please and just call me Drake."


I sit Jamie on his seat at the breakfast bar before getting a cup for Drake's coffee.

"How do you have it?" I ask while boiling the jug.

"One coffee, two sugars with milk, thank you."

I make the coffee and give him his coffee before standing next to Jamie. Jamie reaches his arms out and I pick him up, he snuggles his head into my neck and falls asleep.

"Would you like to come into the lounge?" I ask.

"Sure, lead the way."

I lead him to the lounge and he sits on a couch while I take a recliner seat to the side of him.

Jamie moves around when I sit down but doesn't wake up.

"What's your name dear?" Drake asks.

"My name is Falcon and this is Jamie." I introduce.

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