Chapter 7

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Dom and I continue to talk while I cook dinner and after it's finished I dish up a plate for everyone, minus Blake who hasn't come home, and then call the kids for dinner. They all come running and I sit them all at the breakfast bar so they can eat while Drake, Dom and I stand.

Once we are finished dinner I do the dishes, with the help of Drake and Dom, before Dom says it's time to go and rounds up the kids.

"Thank you for having us." The twins say in unison, adorable!

"Your welcome any time." I answer and then Dom smiles saying he'll see me at school tomorrow before heading out to his car.

Once they have left I shut the door and take Jamie up to bed. I give him a bath, brush his teeth and hair and change him into his pj's before tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight baby, sleep well." I say before kissing him on the head.

"Night mumma Fayfay." Jamie whispers before drifting off to sleep.

I leave his room and go down stairs to the kitchen where Drake is sitting. I pick up my school bag and grab my iPad out but instead feel the envelope from this morning and pulling it out.

"What's that?" Drake asks curiously.

"I'm not sure, it fell out of my locker this morning and I haven't looked at it."

"Oh ok. Do you know when Blake is coming home?"

"No I'll ring him." I say before putting down the envelope and getting out my phone. I dial Blake's number and after the third ring he picks up.

"Hey Fal, what's up?" - Blake.

"Where are you?" - Me.

"Out with this girl, I'm helping her study." - Blake.

"That's great but it's getting late, when are you going to be home?" - Me.

"I don't know, maybe an hour?" - Blake.

"Ok but the house will probably be locked up so..." - Me.

"Yea I got it." - Blake.

"Ok, love you." - Me.

"Love you too sis." - Blake.

After that he hung up and I turned to Drake, "He's helping some girl study and won't be home for another hour."

"All right. Well, I'll try stay up."

"Don't bother, he's a big boy." I say before putting my phone in my pocket and picking up the envelope again.

"You should go up to bed." Drake suggests.

"All right, I'll see you in the morning." I say before kissing Drake on the cheek, grabbing my bag and heading up the stairs with the envelope still in my hand.

I get up to my room and put my bag on the floor before getting out my iPad and plugging it into the charger. I get my pj's and go to the bathroom for a quick shower. After I'm done I get changed then brush my teeth and hair before walking back into my room. I pick up the envelope and sit on my bed to read it.

Dear Falcon,

I know you but you don't know me, yet. I am a 'friend' of Dominic's and seeing my job is to hurt him and you have come into the picture I must watch to make sure that if I use you he will hurt. Now I am not a murderer, so I will not kill you. I do actually need you for two reasons, the first being my own purposes and the second is my friend is after you. You see my friend is the one to kill your mother, he wanted to cause you pain but he didn't get the reaction he wanted so now he wants me to find you and bring you to him. So I have found you now I just have to bring you in, watch your back.

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