Chapter 12

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The girls and I wait for about ten minutes before a door opens and a man walks in. He look over at us and I freeze.

"Xavier?" I ask.

No, it can't be.

"Guards unchain all of them, now!" The man yells.

Lots of men come running into the room and unchain all of us before the man dismisses them and the leave again.

"Fal?" The man asks.

"Xavier, is that really you?" I ask in return.

The man nods before opening his arms wide and I don't hesitate in running over to him. I run into his arms and hug him tightly, as he returns the gesture.

"Don't worry Fal, no one's going to hurt you or your friends." Xavier says as he strokes my hair.

"What are you doing here?"

"I got into a bit of trouble when I left. I got involved with a gang but I took over and now I'm the leader. I'm not going to hurt you, no one is."

I don't answer, I just hug him tighter and cry into his top.

"I'm going to go make some calls and get you and your friends out of this mess." Xavier says and I nod before reluctantly letting go of him.

Xavier leaves the room and I slowly walk back over to the wall before sitting down.

"What the hell was that, Falcon?" Urla asks.

"Xavier is an old childhood friend who moved away when we were younger." I explain.

My phone suddenly starts ringing, I had totally forgotten that I had that. I picked up and saw it was Dom, so I answered.

Hey Dom - Me.

Where are you? - Dom.

Funny story that. - Me.

Did they come and get you already? - Dom.

Yes, but I'm fine. We have had an interesting turn of events. - Me.

And? - Dom.

Well, it turns out that I know X very well and he is calling everything off. - Me.

What the hell? It doesn't work like that. - Dom.

Does this time. - Me.

So, what now then? - Dom.

Well, I'll call you later and tell you because I don't know what's happening at the moment. - Me.

All right, be safe. - Dom.

Will do. - Me.

With that we said our goodbyes and hung up before I put my phone in my pocket again.

"So we just wait until your friend comes back and tells us what's happening?" Carla asks.

"Yep." I answer.

"We could just leave." Urla suggests.

"We are not going anywhere." I state firmly.

"Falcon's right guys, this Xavier guy said he won't let anything happen to us so why leave? I don't have any bad feelings about him, he seems like a nice guy." Kacy says.

"Thank you Kacy." I say.

Before anyone said any more Xavier walked back into the room.

"All right, so everything has been taken care of now. The guy who is after you, Fal, is a good friend of mine and he knows about me and you. He didn't realise it was you either." Xavier explains.

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