Chapter 3

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Drake walks out to his car to get his stuff and then he comes back with two medium sized suitcases. He definitely isn't a women. I giggle at my own thought which makes Drake look at me funny.

"Sorry I'll show your room." I say before leading him down the hall to one of the guest rooms.

"No offence but you are a strange child." Drake comments, chuckling.

"Indeed." I answer with no emotion.

I open the door to the guest room he'll stay in and he walks in and places his stuff on the floor.

"I'm going to make lunch. Make yourself comfortable and I'll show you around after lunch." I say before walking to the kitchen and getting out some frozen chips and stuff for a simple salad.

I put the frozen chips on a tray and put them in the oven before getting out a chopping board, knife and a salad bowl. I chop the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and some capsicum before putting it in the salad bowl and setting it on the bench. I clean the knife and chopping board before putting them away and getting plates, knives and forks out. I set up the plates and cutlery at the breakfast bar then get the chips out of the oven and put them in a dish and call the boys for lunch.

Drake walks into the kitchen and sits down on a chair, "This looks great."

"I hope your not allergic to anything?" I ask suddenly remembering I forgot to ask.

"No I'm not."

"Great." I answer before grabbing cheese, tomato sauce and mayonnaise. I put all three on the chips and then put them by the salad.

Jamie comes into the kitchen and holds his arms up so I pick him up and put him on his seat. I put some chips and salad on his plate and he immediately starts eating.

Drake dishes up salad and chips then I do but I see Drake just staring at the chips.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"No I've just never known someone who puts cheese, tomato sauce and mayonnaise on hot chips all together."

"It's not very healthy but it tastes great."

Drake shrugs before stabbing a couple chips and putting them in his mouth, he chews slowly before swallowing and looking at me with a shocked expression, "It tastes amazing!"

"Of course it does I made it." I reply before laughing.

"Cocky much."

"I'm not cocky usually but when it comes to cooking that's a different story."

We continue to eat our lunch in silence and once we are all done I do the dishes while Jamie runs off to the games room again and Drake just sits there not moving.

After I'm done I sit down beside Drake and notice the faraway look in his eyes. Something's troubling him.

"You can talk to me it might help." I say and Drake looks at me with a shocked look on his face.

"I can see that something is troubling you, talking helps." I answer his unasked question.

Drake takes a deep breathe before saying, "This isn't a short story."

"Then we'll go sit in the lounge on the comfy seats."

Drake nods before getting up and walking into the lounge so I do the same. When I walk in Drake is sitting on the couch like before and I sit on the recliner from before as well and face him.

"So after high school I meet this girl, her name was Cindy and I really liked her so I asked her out on a couple dates. Everything was great I meet her family, she meet mine and I asked her to marry me. She said yes and six months later we got married. When we went on our honey moon she got pregnant and we were both really happy. Our son is Blake's age and about a month ago Cindy told me she wanted a divorce. It broke me, I didn't know why she wanted one so I asked and she told me she meet a lady from work that she loves more than she loves me and wants to be with this woman. I only wanted Cindy to be happy so I signed the papers. My son Finn started hating Cindy because it was her fault for breaking up the family. I had moved out and was living in an apartment building when Finn showed up and asked to stay with me and of course I said yes. Cindy thought it was my fault Finn left and call the cops. Finn was taken away from me and given back to Cindy and her partner. Finn got so angry at Cindy and her partner that he started these yelled fits and then broke a lamp of Cindy's mothers. The lamp was very special so Cindy was angry and Cindy's partner called the cops on Finn. Finn was put in jail for two months. He has only served a month and I talked to the court and got custody so I moved here so I could find a job and get a house so when Finn gets out he can come live with me here away from Cindy. I told Finn before I left and he was so happy so I left my job in London, backed up my stuff and came here. I knew your dad lived here with you guys so I was going to ask if I could stay for a little then once I had a job get an apartment. Your father agreed and now I'm staying here."

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