Chapter 5

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After Jamie and I's heart to heart, Jamie and I curled up watching movies while wrapped in blankets and eating junk food. Drake had gone to his room to sort some stuff and leave us to our time together.

It's now about 4pm and Carla, Urla, Kacy, Blake, Justin, Damien, Drake and I are all sitting in the lounge waiting for the officer to come. 

"Mumma Fayfay, can I come down now?" I hear Jamie's voice call from the top of the stairs.

"Why is he calling you mumma Fayfay?" Blake asks.

"This morning he saw me after my run and gave me a hug telling me I was his real mumma. He's been calling me mumma Fayfay, ever since."

"All right."

I stand up and go to the bottom of the stairs, I look up and see Jamie sitting on the top step staring down at me.

"Can I come down now?" He asks in a cute voice.

"Stay there and I'll come to you, ok?"


I walk up the stairs and when I reach the top, I pick him up before carrying him down the stairs with me. As I reach the bottom step there's a knock at the door.

"I got it." I say and then walk towards the door.

I open the door and there is an officer different from this morning standing waiting.

"Good afternoon officer, please come in." I greet.

The officer nods before coming into the house. I shut the door behind him then lead him to the lounge.

"One moment please." I excuse myself and head into the kitchen.

"Baby I need you to go play in the play room for a little while." I explain to Jamie.

"Why can't I stay with you?" He asks all cute and confused.

"Because we are talking about big people stuff."

"Can I play on your phone and promise not to listen?"

"I don't know." I answer unsure but the officer comes into the kitchen and smiles kindly.

"You can bring him in with you." He says gently.

"All right, but no talking ok baby?"

"Yes mumma Fayfay."

"He's yours?" The officer asks confused.

"Not really but I look after him more than any one else so he considers me as his mum."

"Oh right."

We walk into the lounge and I take a seat on the floor, sitting cross legged with Jamie on my lap. I hand Jamie my phone (iPhone 5c) and he plays his game on it.

"Right now I'm sure all of you aren't family but probably as good as for this families kids. Erica was shot multiple times and then dumped on the side of the road and left to die. An investigative team is analysing the body and trying to find finger prints or anything we can use to track the killer or killers. We are very sorry for your loss and are here to help if you need anything. We would like to keep the body as long as we can but of course we will ask for permission first, who is in charge?"

I look at Blake and he looks at me.

"Well Blake's the oldest so I suppose he is." I answer.

"All right and who is this gentlemen in the back?" The officer asks pointing at Drake.

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