Chapter 8

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I put Jamie in his seat with are bags at his feet before closing his door and opening mine and getting in the car. Blake starts the car and drives us all straight to school. When we get there Blake pulls into a parking space and we all get out of the car.

I put Jamie's stuff in my bag, so I only have to carry one bag, then pick Jamie up and swing my bag over my shoulder. We walk across the car park towards the school and there were so many people cooing over Jamie but he just hid in my shoulder.

I walked to the office so I could let them know I had Jamie with me and when I got there I found Dom and the twins doing the same thing.

"Hey Dom, Diana and Dennis." I greet as I walk up to them.

"Hey Falcon and Jamie." Dom replies while smiling. I smile back and put Jamie on the ground. Jamie runs over to Dennis and Diana and starts talking to them.

"I already told the school we have the kids with us." Dom says as he comes and stands by me.

"All right thanks." I reply still watching the kids.

Dom wraps his arms around my shoulders and without thinking I lean into him. I then remember the letter and look up Dom. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Dom can we talk later?" I ask.

"We're talking now, but sure."

I want to laugh at his answer but can't find it in me. Dom frowns and asks, "What's wrong?"

"Later." Is all I say before looking back at the kids.

Jamie looks up at me and smiles before going back to his friends.

"What was that about?" Dom asks confused.

"Jamie has always known when I'm upset, or stressed and in need of a hug but when he saw you with me he just went back to what he was doing. He does the same if I'm with Blake or the girls."

"So is that way of saying he approves of me?"

"I suppose so."

"Good, now I just have to get Blake's."

"Why?" I ask confused and look up at him.

"No reason." He answers not looking at me. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek before whispering,"You have to get my approval too."

I walk over to Jamie and pick him, "Let's go buddy. Bye guys see ya later." I say before winking at Dom and leaving the office to go to class.



She kissed my cheek, what the hell?! I'm confused, did I really make it that obvious that I like her?

"She's a feisty one." The office lady comments.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Falcon, is different, not in a bad way but she has a attitude."

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Of course not. If you like them feisty she's your girl but if you want a girl who's gonna do what you tell her too then Falcon isn't your girl."

"Do I really make it that obvious?"

"Yes dear, you do."

"Ugh, I thought I was doing a good job at hiding it. To answer your early comment, I don't think I would want a girl who does what I want her to do, especially not after meeting Falcon."

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