Chapter 6

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I woke up the next more wrapped in my brother's arms. We used to do this all the time, I would come in here and just lie with Blake before falling asleep. Blake and I are very close seeing we basically raised ourselves and we have a special bond making us falling asleep together not awkward, for us anyway.

I stretched out and looked at the time, seeing it was only 7am I decided to get out of bed and go have a shower in my bathroom. After having a shower I went to my wardrobe and put on a navy blue lace bra and underwear set before slipping on my black skinny jeans, white v-neck, leather jacket and combat boots. After getting dressed I put my iPad in my bag before grabbing my phone and bag and heading downstairs to the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen I see that Blake still isn't up so I walk back up the stairs and into Blake's room, to find him fast asleep. I walk over to his bed and shake him a little. He shoots up and looks around before looking at me and lying back down again.

"Are you coming to school today?" I ask as I sit on the side of his bed.

"I don't want to but I have tests today."

"All right well it's 7:30 so you better get up."

"Ok then now get out."

I stand up and walk out of Blake's room, closing the door behind me. I then walk to Jamie's room and open the door to see him fast asleep too. I walk over and kiss his forehead gently, making his eyes flutter open.

"Hey baby, you wanna go to day care or stay at home with Drake?" I ask gently as I sit beside him on his bed.

He scrambles into my lap before looking up at me and answering, "I'll go to day care."

"Good boy now get up and chose some clothes."

Jamie nods before kissing my cheek and jumping out of my lap and going to his wardrobe. He comes out a couple minutes later with the same outfit as me except his size. I giggle slightly at his decision before helping him get changed. He did look very 'bada**' when he wore that outfit.

I grabbed his bag and his hand before leading him down to the kitchen. When we walked into the kitchen Blake was wearing the same as Jamie and I except baggier jeans and the clothes were his size. Blake looked down at his clothes then at me and Jamie before bursting out laughing, causing me and Jamie to do the same.

After we had calmed down I made Jamie breakfast before making Jamie's and my lunch.

After Jamie was finished, I cleaned him up and took him to the bathroom so we could do our teeth before going back to the kitchen where Drake was standing making coffee.

"Morning Drake, how did you sleep?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen with Jamie holding my hand.

"I slept well thank you and good morning to you both. Cute outfits."

"They aren't cute they're bad!" Jamie pouted.

"Oh sorry, yes very bad." Drake said but I could see he was trying not to smile.

Blake walked in behind me and asked if I was ready to go but before I could answer I heard Drake burst out laughing.

"Your all wearing the same outfit!" Drake laughed.

"Yes we are all very in sync." I replied.

Drake managed to calm down before we all said our goodbyes and Jamie, Blake and I headed out to Blake's car. I buckled Jamie in the back before getting in the passenger seat. Blake started the car and drove us to day care where we dropped Jamie off before driving to school.

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