Heart of Fire

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I first wake up , groaning and moaning from a terrible pain coming from my sides. I tried opening my eyes, they were too heavy. I mumbled a few curse words before passing back out.

I was woken up to a cell phone ringing non stop. Was no one going to fucking answer?! I groan and attempt to find it , with success on my side. I did.


Nothing. I groan and hang up. I attempt to stand up , after a few tries, I did it. I would do a happy dance, but my sides were killing me, so I let out a very cheerful yay.

I stretch my arms and yawn, my back cracking as well. I peer out the window, it was dark out. I mumble as I scratch my butt cheek. I sit on the toilet and do my business. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I noticed I didn't have my tattoo on my hand. I splash water on my face. I investigate further, and my tattoo was really fucking gone. Poof. What the hell.

I look up at the mirror and let out a scream. I back into the wall, I wasn't sure what to be more scared of , seeing myself, or seeing myself a few years younger. I run to the mirror and poke my face. I stretch my cheeks out, grab my boobs and even my ass. What the fuck was going on!?

I look around, it was my old bathroom from when I lived with Billy, my foster dad. I stop breathing, I whimper softly as I peel my shirt back, I see bruises littered all over my stomach and sides.

I couldn't be back in this hellhole. This had to be a dream. I pinch my arms over and over. Nothing. I don't wake up next to my loving boyfriend.

Andy. Did he know who I even was?! Did he remember anything!? Was he worried? Fuck, did he exist?

I run back to the bedroom. I look around, the pile of clothes is still there. As well as the posters over my wall, stuck to the wall with dollar family tape. I run to the cell phone, turning it on.

Shit. Today was the night of the concert. The same concert that I met Andy. I smile softly, oh the memories! I was such a brat when I had first met him.

I walk around my room. Grabbing some denim jeans, and an asking Alexandria band tee. As for my make up, I go for a winged eyeliner look. I wasn't going to look like some emo kid. I grab my bag and phone before opening the window. I wasn't ready to see Billy.

I run past Amy's house. I see her mother coming out. Sending me a glare, I smirk and flip her off. Her face was priceless. I run past cars, almost got run over a few times. But it was for love, that's what counted, right?

I pull the ticket out, ready in hand. I race past some fangirls. Shoving my ticket in the security's face, I stop running, seeing a small line starting to form backstage. I can't help but smile. I was gonna see him, Andy.

I wait in line which seems like forever. I check my phone, Amy is calling for the tenth time. I ignore her and wait my turn. Would they recognize me? I hoped they did. Why would this be happening? It seemed so real. The dating. The dates. The movie nights with the guys. Me and Sammie making food for everyone. My miscarriage. I see the curtain right in front of me. I hear a deep voice.


I walk past the curtain, bumping past the crying fangirls. I stop and stare at them. I smile softly, biting my lip.

There they were. Ashley was the first to speak.

"Hey! Don't be shy, please come closer haha. We don't bite" he said with a chuckle.  CC giggles and gets smacked by Jake.

Andy looks up, a smirk appears on his face. He stands up, walking slowly over to me. I gulp as he's standing right in front of me. I look past him. The guys have gone quiet. They watch Andy with a serious look.

I try speaking when Andy pulls me close and kisses me. I kiss him back immediately. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away, looking at me; with a knowing look and speaks.

"Sweetheart, we aren't asking Alexandria" He whispers with a smirk. I smile and punch his shoulder.

The end


Ta-da! Leave a comment! Later losers <3

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