She-Devil and Salads

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Hey guys! I felt like poop , I haven’t written anytrhing in months. I even I had to re-read the last chapter. So , here’s a chapter. Enjoy loves.

I hated riding that stinky van , not because of C.C. No , I was used to his weird self. Amy was in the van with us, precisley behind us. If I was a cartton , I’m pretty sure I would have smoke coming out my ears. I looked over to Andy, who was driving this time, he winked at me and turned a right.

I moaned about being hungry, when half the people in the van agreed with me, so now we were at McDonalds.

I placed my order and Andy paid. As I filled my cup, the devil came over beside me. I prayed she wouldn’t talk.

“So Ellie” Too late.

“What Amy?”

“How have you been? We didn’t have a chance to catch up, since you were too busy picking your sorry ass up” She smirked

“I’ve been peachy. Yeah, I got kicked out, I lost my virginity and was with twins but I lost them. And then lets see, oh yeah I had a older man stalking me because he was the one who murder my parents, I killed him.  I lost the twins and now I have spend my night with your bitchy self. So I’ve been great. Nice catching up.” I walked away with a smirk hot glued on my face. Take that hoe!

“Who knew you could be a bitch huh” I looked up and glared at Jinxx. He sat down beside me, we watched in silence as the group walked around getting their things like headless chickens.

I chucked when Sammi tripped over the wet floor sign. Jinxx ran over to her.

“Hey sexy”

“Ashley, go away.” I moaned

“I rather not. Whats up with you? Its Amy isn’t it?” Isn’t he smart.

“Yes.” I was being rude but Amy always put me in a bad mood. Ashley was staring at the salt shaker and shook his head. He patted my head and walked away. Weirdo.

“OMG no way! Ella, you have to take the job! You’re so fucking beautiful and have the body of a godess”

I was debated on wheater to bang my head on the stove or break a mug on Amy’s head. I was dying, her voice was still annoying. We got home around midnight, and this bitch didn’t stop since then. It was five in the morning. I walked away and got changed into some spandez shorts and a loose shirt. Putting  my hair in a bun, I walked over to my wallet and keys. I saw Amy’s phone laying around, I grabbed mine and her’s. I yelled out ‘bye’ before slamming the door.

Ah, the gym. I loved the smell of sweat and body odor. Not. I climed onto the tredmil and started jogging. Plugging my ipod up, I was going at a good pace while singing.

Looking around, I noticed a lot of kids from my old school. Some gave me knowing looks. I grimaced and tore away from them. I missed school, I was an idiot for dropping out. It had to be done, no one was there for me and school sucked. I could always get my GED.

After twenty minutes of jogging, I went over to the sauna.

Let me just say, holy tits! That shit was buring hot. I hated going in there, last time I was there an elderly woman walked in there naked and ew. Just ew.

Eating my salad at the park wasn’t peaceful. Too many kids running around and screaming. Where are their mothers?! Throwing my salad away I went back to my car. I still was hungry but I had to lose the weight. I hummed along to blurred lines when I bumped into someone, mumbling a sorry I kept walking.

I felt someone grab onto my shirt, I spinned around ready to clock the asswipe. I stopped my fist when I saw him.

No no no! This couldn’t be. He couldn’t be alive. I killed him. I was at his funeral.

“Ronnie? Your suppose to be dead!” I screamed.

“Eliie, long time no see. I was looking for my niece, you’ve seen her? Amy? “ He chuckled

“w-what? You have got to be joking me!” I backed away and ran to my car.

I was breathing heavy. I was seeing black dots, I couldn’t think right. He couldn’t be alive. He was dead! I murdered him!

Putting the keys in the ignition , I shifted gears and drove off like a mad women.

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