Missing Phone and In the End video

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"Well, what’s your input grandma?"

"Ellie, sweetie, I don’t think this is the right time to be speaking about this. You just lost the babies, and now you want another one? Can’t you be a normal teenager? What’s your rush in starting a family, your parent’s would not approve." She scolded me, as if I was a child.

Fuming, I turned away and left the house. I was beyond pissed. She didn’t even know me. I wanted a kid, I really did. I am ready to start a family, I may be seventeen, but..A family was good right?

Closing the car door, I lifted my head up, both grandparent’s were watching me from the window. I rolled my eyes before turning the car on.

Driving around town seemed like a good idea to blow off steam. Parking in a crowded parking lot, I walked into the huge mall. I walked pass old couples and little kids. I walked into Hot Topic and started shopping.

Picking up a Sleeping with Sirens shirt and a pair of jeans, I made my way over to the counter. As the guy was ringing my things up and offering me stupid things, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face. I stared straight at her, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim, short, she looked a lot like Amy.

That name brought a terrible past. I didn’t want to dwell in those memories, paying my things, I walked out. I think I was rushing to leave that I accidently ran into the same girl.

With a loud thud we both fell to the dirty carpeted floor.

"I am so sorry, I wasn’t seeing where I was walking." I apologized to the girl.

"It’s alright Ellie, guess you’re still clumsy as ever" The girl said, ending it with a chuckle.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked rudely.

"Wow, I’m hurt, how can you not remember your best friend?" She sarcasticly remarked.

"I knew it, Amy. What are you doing here?"

"Shopping? Are you okay? Your in our hometown stupid." I ignored the insult.

"Oh, yeah, guess that explains it. I have to go, bye Amy." I walked around her.

"Going back to Andrew?" She yelled back at me.

I was going to stop but decided to keep walking. Tucking my cell phone in my pocket, I walked out to the parking lot. I started the car again and went home.


"I had the strangest encounter ever" I told Jake in the living room.

"With who?" He asked

"Amy, remember her?"

"Duh, She was a bitch. What’d she say to you?"

"Nothing." I kept quiet.

"Not even a hello?"

"Well I ran into her, literally. But we didn’t really say anything."

"Weird, she always seemed like the type to say shit."

"Not this time. So, wanna play Angry Birds?

"Yeah, I always get mad though. Stupid pigs."

I pulled out my cell phone, but realized it wasn’t mine. I remembered when I ran into Amy, I dropped my cell phone and we both picked up our things. I had her phone, and she had mine, shit.

"We going to play or not?" He asked, get impatient.

"No, gotta take this call." I stood up, and walked away from a confused Jake


There was no phone call, I just wanted to be left alone to panic. Why didn’t I check to make sure it was my phone? Would she go through it, well no shit Ellie.

God dammit! How stupid am I! I should’ve never gone out in the first place. I can’t believe this is happening, she’s a bitch and will make my life a living hell. We didn’t leave on good terms.


I didn't have time to respond before two hands wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me into their chest. All I did, was lean into him.

"Hey you"

"You okay babe? You were gone for awhile, I called you and"

"You called me?"

"Yeah? You didn't pick up."

"Sorry, I was busy shopping, I didn't hear it"

"Oh, okay then. What's you buy? A girafee?"

"Nope, I bought a Sleeping With Sirens shirt."

"Greeeeeat! Buy other band shirts, but not your boyfriends."

"No offence, but your shirts look gay."


"I don't know how to explain it Andy, they just look tacky. It's says BVB shirt, but you're the one on it. And they're old pictures of you guys."

"I love you too El"

I gave him a look before walking to the bathroom.


"Let's go american girl! Or we'll be late for the screening!" Ella yelled throughout the apartment.


Driving to the secret location wasn't fun. Having atleast ten people crowded in a van, and one guy thinking zombies were going to pop out, it was uncomfortable.

"Ellie, what did I tell you? Zombies are coming!"

"CC, no need to yell, I'm sitting on your lap. And zombies are not coming..right?"

"Keep telling yourself that happy meal!"

"CC! That scares me!"

"Haha, good! You need a good scare."


When we arrived, CC shoved me out of the van, said he need to strech his 'legs'. Asshole.

Andy picked me up, and we walked over to the building where the fans were watching the screening. I could hear Andy's voice singing. I had butterflies in my stomach, we got closer to the building and I could hear the fans cheering on to the video.

Once it was over, the fans saw CC and began fangiling, soon the boys and us girls came out and the fans were shocked. I was having a great time joking around with a few girls and that's when I saw Amy. She was sitting beside Ella, they seem engrossed in their conversation. Amy looked up and we made eye contact.

I rolled my eyes and throughtout the night I could hear her laughing at whatever Ella said, this was bad. Very bad, it was only going to get worse.


Hour's went by, and I was beyond bored. Sitting in the corner, sulking wasn't a blast. Sammi soo joined me, and kept me company. Slowly but surely, the fans started disappearing.

When it was time to go, Ella wanted to have a sleepover, I would've been excited but she was inviting the devil itself into my room mates apartment, where I lived.

Yay, can't wait for the sneaky pranks and cat fight to come.

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