The Truth and Insanity

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This new chapter will be what changes everything. Andy's view on Ellie's and his relationship and love. Ellie's insanity, not knowing what to believe anymore, and dead people? Also, Ashley seems to be Andy's best friend? No after you read this. It's scorching. Enjoy.

--Story start's here

I sat down in the living room, I felt like someone had punched me in the guts. I was coming home from my 'date' with Juliet, when I received that text. Ronnie was alive, and he was going to win this time. Ellie was pregnant, I was a cheater. I couldn't marry her now, I do love her, I think.

I looked up from where I sat at; Jake stumbled out of the guest room. His hair was sticking everywhere, meaning one thing. His makeup was smeared everywhere. Didn't take him long to figure out that I was here.

"Oh hey bro. didn’t see you there, what's up?" He said, planting himself down beside me.

"I-I cheated" I stuttered

"Wait, what? With--No way Andy! What about Ellie? Don't you care about her?"

"I know, I do. I'm just not so sure that I'm in love with her. She's having my kid, I get that part, but."

"There's no 'buts', 'ifs', or 'ands'. Elizabeth does care. She would never do anything to hurt you. She's not Scout, nor Hannah. Get that through your head"

He got to me. Scout, that name brought so many memories back. She was something. Elizabeth, why had I chosen her again? We've been together for what? A year or so now. My mind was blank. I didn't know why I was with her. Nothing.

"Why did I choose her?" I mumbled to myself

"Because you liked her the moment you started stalking her. On Facebook"

"But, I stalked her. That's creepy"

"Indeed my friend”

"I can't be with her, it's not right. I want Juliet."

"Chose the girl who's not having your kid. Yeah okay, tell me how that turns out" He said, with a hint of sadness and anger. He stood up and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door hard. Where he once sat at, was now empty, occupied by a ghost.

I stood up and walked outside. I hopped into my car and went to find Juliet.


Ellie's POV

I slid down the bedroom door. Tears spilled down my face. I was heartbroken.


Cheater kept running a marathon in my head. Andy had cheated; he didn't love me no more. I choked on my sob, before I released all the tears that I once had bottled up inside me. I sobbed, long and hard. I threw up three times.

 Ashley was banging at the door, asking for me to open it. I screamed, screamed like it was the last one I'd ever scream. I kicked my things, broke everything I once loved.

 My sob's kept coming, and I kept punching my mirror. I stood infront of it. I saw my disfigured reflection. I slid down on the broken glass. I cried myself to a bloody sleep; last thing I heard was the ambulance, coming to my rescue, no longer my batman.


Ashley's POV

We were all sitting in the kitchen, eating of course. Andy and Ellie were nowhere to be found. They might have given' us the slip and went out. But I was glad, they needed it.

"Ashley, shove the whole pancake in your mouth." Yelled C.C

"What's the catch?" I said

"No catch, we just want to see if you can do it" said Jinxx

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