Sing Along's and Text Message.

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Hai You! I’ve missed you lots: D

New Chapter Today.. You excited? No, well that’s great: D


Ellie's POV


I woke up, feeling sore all over. Did I have sex last night, was the first thing that popped in my mind. I had sex hair and makeup smeared all over. Sammi laid beside me, in the same state. I pushed her thigh off of me before waddling to the bathroom.

I came back out and saw Sammi wide awake. I smiled at her and started the coffee maker. I stood there staring at the celling waiting. I smelt the coffee and pored it in my mug. Sammi came in once the smell bombed her nose. We stood there drinking our drinks without a peep.

It felt weird to be honest. I looked at her and back down. I bit my lip, while rubbing my mugs handle. A low growl came from my tummy, breaking the silence.

“So, um how did you sleep Sam?”

“Good and you”?

“Great. Can I ask three questions”?


"Did we fuck?"


"Okay, that answer's that"


“Why are you so quiet today?”

“Listen, I don’t know why, but your aunt and her man person that he is, came by yesterday night. And they were looking for you and Andy. I didn’t know what to do, so I slammed the door in their faces. They wouldn’t stop knocking on the door; I fell asleep next to you. That pretty much sums it up.” She said breathing heavy. 

Aw Sammie, Haha, I wish I was awake to have seen your face expression. Damn, I wonder what they wanted. I miss Billy. I’m not too sure about my aunt. She turned into a bitch once Billy came into the picture and got pregnant. Don’t worry Sammi.”


I walked into my bedroom looking in every drawer. My hello kitty long sleeve shirt was missing! It must’ve grown legs and ran off!

I looked at my pile of clean clothes and saw it there, chilling with my denim skinny jeans. “You little rascal”

I slipped on my HK long sleeve shirt; matched with pre-ripped light blue denim skinny jeans, along with my neon pink converse.  I applied my makeup and straighten my hair before heading out.

I saw Sammi leaned against the car. I smacked her butt before getting inside the car. Sammi slipped inside and we peeled off onto the smooth pavement road.


I turned the radio loud to the point that the car doors were bouncing with glee. Sara Bareilles song “Gonna Get Over You” was playing and we had a Glee moment.

Sammi looked at me and hummed to the tune. And I sang Goodbye

should be sayin' that to you by now, shouldn't I?

Layin' down the law that I live by,

Though maybe next time”

I smiled and snapped my fingers before Sammi started her verse “I've got a thick tongue,

Brimming with the words that go unsung

Simmer then the burn for a someone,

A wrong one”

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