Fear and Surprise

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Enjoy :D Love Andy's new hair? I doooo! -----------------------------> ^.^

I woke up screaming and drenched in sweat. I was heaving for air, when the lights were turned on. Sammi came running to my left side holding me. I whimpered and held onto her side, trembling and holding in my breath for a while. I looked to my left and right making sure no one was in here with us. Call me paranoid.

 "Are you okay hunny?"

"Yeah, I just had the most terrible nightmare ever"

"Of what?"

"Ronnie. Sammi, I can't get that bastard out of my head.  Ever since the day he died. It replays over and over, only this time Andy's there laughing and, and Ronnie kills my baby."

"Wow, that's a nasty nightmare. But you know that he's dead. Gone. Go to bed please; the boys are coming back tomorrow."

Sammi left my bed, rubbing her sides and closing the door. I made a soft grunt. Trying to sleep before the nightmare decided to return.

--Next Day--

I woke to the sound of the fire alarm screaming for mercy. I let out a scream and walked fast to the kitchen. I saw Sammi trying to put out the small fire on the skillet. I stood there watching in pure amusement. I busted out laughing when she fell on her ass trying to get more water. I walked over to her and grabbed the skillet and threw it in the sink, letting the water do its job.

"That was easy Dummy."

"Oh hush you"

"Just saying."

"Get ready, the boys will be here soon and we're throwing a party."

"Okay mother."


I walked out the foggy shower and proceeded to my room. I started getting dressed when I noticed something, my belly. It got fatter! Oh no, this was bad. Andy will see it. I slipped on a loose t-shirt with the word's "C***" on it and a pair of black skinny jeans with neon green converse. I brushed my hair and started my makeup and hair routine. I looked in the mirror once more, my belly was no longer visible.

I was walking around the apartment when the doorbell was crying out loud. Sammi ran to the door and opened it wide. Ella Cole walked inside with two groceries bags in each arm. I smiled and ran to hug her. She hugged me back; her hand started rubbing my bump. I smacked her hand but she kept at it, so I let her.

We had blown the balloons up, hung up the "Welcome back" sign, baked the cake, and bought the food. We were ready for this night. Oh and the beer.

I was giggly and nervous. Ella smiled at me and let out a scream.

"What the hell!" I screamed back.

"Oops. Sorry, I just noticed something. I see your baby bump. Trying to hide it?"

"Oh man. I tired hiding it but it won't hide. Now Andy's going to see this as well."

"Well, maybe it's for the best. You shouldn't hide it from him."

"Yeah. I hate you."

"Well then, every fan girl out there does too dollface." She chuckled as she walked to the bathroom. I sat down by the door, hearing her pee, nice.

"Hey Ella, can I talk to you?"

"In the bathroom? While I'm peeing? Go ahead, I'm all ears"

"Thanks. Does it ever get tiring? With the fangirls I mean, gah. Their annoying as hell."

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