Lemon Drops and Kisses

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Sitting beside Ben Bruce wasn't what worried me; it was the looks he kept giving me. I shrugged it away and focused on James squirting lemon juice in his left eyeball, why do I hang out with these kinds of human beings?

"So how long have you two been together?" Danny's question threw me off guard.

"It's been at least a year and eight months I think. Right Ellie?" Andy nudged me

"Y-yeah. Almost a year" I said in a shaky breathless voice

"Awesome. You two make a very adorable couple." Danny looked straight at me

"Thanks man, but I'm sure we're the sexiest couple ever" Andy remarked back.

"Actually Myca and I are" Danny laughed and took a sip of his coke

Andy laughed at his joke, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling into his arms. I laid my head down enjoying the nice gesture.

The small party we were having was going strong, sadly. I wanted to go home and sleep. I excused myself and left for the bathroom. Running a bit to it, people gave me looks.


Sitting on a toilet seat wasn't how I pictured my night. I was texting Sammi; tell her I wasn't feeling good. Before I sent the message and Sammi came rushing in.

"Hey Sam" I said weakly to the stall door

"Hey you" she spoke back

"Can we leave already?"

"No can do. Hey, quick question. Do you know Ben Bruce?"

"No. I fangirl him lots but never met him before, why? I asked standing up and opening the stall door.

"He says he knows you"

"What? I've never met that beautiful sex god"

"Sex God? Elizabeth Marie Hart, how can you think that?"

"Like you don't see it" I poked her nose

"I know! I would give my soul up just to have sex"

"You are sick Sammi."

"Like you wouldn't?"

"Okay I would, a lot of sex Haha"

"Sick, let's go already" She pulled me out of the smelly bathroom and to our table.

Trying to squeeze myself through the guys was hard; Ben ‘accidently’ grabbed my butt, that stupidly, gorgeous pervert.

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