Family and Fangirls

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Hey, today is a lazy day. So don’t expect much. Sorry. I’ll try to make it more exciting.

Fan, Vote, Comment.


“Well, explain yourself Ellie. “

 “I’m having—we’re having a kid. There, I said it."

 "Why didn’t you say anything to me?” He asked in an accusing voice.

 “I was scared. The thought of you leaving me and I having to raise a kid, it scared me.”

"I told you, after you killed Ronnie, I won't ever leave you"

He let out a soft grunt before coming over to embrace me. I let out a sigh and hugged him back. We stayed like that for a while. I tore away when I heard my tummy growling, we walked to the kitchen and joined in the conversations


I decided that we all should go baby shopping. C.C was the one that wanted everyone to cram inside the van; he said it made him feel like as if he was inside a wall, weird. 

But there we were, all piled in. it took us almost two or more hours to get to the shopping mall. It felt forever; that and Jake thought it’d be delicious to keep farting. So we kept stopping and stretching out our body. Poor Andy; him and his gazelle legs. We crammed back inside and proceeded.

“We’re here!” yelled out Ashley. He had one of his many groupies with him. I felt my eyes rolling in my socket as we headed into the mall. I couldn’t help but giggle and skip my way into the mall. The groupie, named Candy, had her hand in mine. We both walked inside and waited for the gang.

I saw a hippie coming in through the door with a ripped up shirt and black skinny jeans. He had an afro with a comb in it. He wore muddy brown sunglasses. He strode up to me and smacked my butt. I smiled and kissed him.

 “Nice outfit Andy.”

 “Yeah Yeah, you know you want me.”

We smiled at each other and entered ‘Baby R Us”. I went looking for the diapers and Andy, well it's Andy. I walked around the corner when I bumped into a wizard? What the fuck.


 “Oh hey CC. What’s cooking’ good looking’?”

“Dammit, nothing now.” I looked to my side and saw a little group of BVB fans. Oh wow, they were all sending glares my way. CC walked away leaving me alone. I just wanted to know, why were they in this store? Oh that's right, the boys.

I started walking away when all five girls came up to me. I was surrounded by all of them. Not one was friendly looking; except one. She had a BOTDF shirt with green zebra skinny jeans.  She had both arms piled on with those kandi bracelets. I received a shy smile from her.

Something clicked in my head soon, she was the same girl from the concert. Alice was it? I didn't ponder into it before the head leader of the girls questioned me.

 “So you’re that Ellie Hart girl that’s dating Andy Sixx?”

 “Biersack. And no, I’m engaged to him. Why do you ask?”

 “Because Ellie” she sneered my name. “He’s mine! You think you can just come into his life and rip him away from me! Not going to happen.”

 “Last time I check he never ever dated you, hell he doen't even know you exist. He's only dated three girls; Hannah, Scout, and Juliet. He doesn’t date fans. Especially obsessed fan like you.  So stop wasting your time. Have a nice day.” I said, leaving them open mouth and shocked.

I left the store empty handed with a smile on my face.  I saw the gang waiting with shopping bags. I walked over to Andy and kissed him. We walked over to the food court when a fight broke loose. Andy pulled me away from it and hurried off. Sammi stood there watching before being yanked back towards Jinxx.

We sat at one of the table, after rounding up three tables and around twelve or so chairs. We started eating our food. I was done but asked for more. I ate seven plates of Chinese food. I was full. I left to go the bathroom.

I saw the Alice girl standing in front of the mirror fixing her makeup and bloody lip. I walked over to the sinks and washed my hands.

 “You okay?”

 “Not really. Jane can sucker punch.”

 “Aw I’m sorry. Here let me.” I shooed her hand away. I grabbed the wet towel and pressed it against her lip. I grabbed another and wiped dried blood off her chin and cleavage. I re-did her makeup and she was anew.

 “Wow, thank you Ellie. I’m Alice, nice to meet you.”

 “You’re welcome, nice to meet you again"


"We've met before"


"At a Black Veil Brides concert"

"I've been to a lot of those."

"I was the one girl who Andy was winking at and grabbed my face at"

"Oh god, now I remember! Haha, yeah sorry for making you grab his hand. He rarely does that to his fans"

"Haha, yeah. I've haven't seen you in a while. Give me your number and we'll stay in touch."

"Oh awesome. Here, we need to hangout and go to a concert soon"

"BVB concert?"

"Hm, no no, Asking Alexandria maybe. Their coming around this area soon."

"Sweet, I'll see if my boyfriend could get us tickets"

"Haha, that be sweet dude"

I left the bathroom and walked out to the lot. I crammed in and CC was at it again. Jake farted right after we closed the door. Nice.


“We’re homeeeeee!” screamed a tired Sammi Doll. I smiled and pushed her aside. Jinxx, Jake, Ashley, CC, and Andy had left to go sound check. We both plotted down on the lumpy couch and watched SpongeBob.

We ate noodles and played board games till I fell asleep on her. I wanted to stay up, Andy invited us to their concert but I was worn out.


Sammi Doll's POV:

It was my turn to go, but Ellie had fallen asleep. I smiled and brought her a pillow and comforter. I got up and got ready for the concert. I had all my things when a knock came charging from the door.

I ran to it, not wanting them to wake her up. I opened it and saw Billy and Betty? What the hell.


“Hello, is there an Ellie or Andy here?”

“Yes. She’s asleep and Andy’s her fiancé. Why?”

“I’m her aunt and Billy’s her foster dad. “

“Oh. Well look at the time" I said looking down at my wrist.

"Kid, you don't have a watch."

"Shut up!" And I slammed the door and locked it. Panic seeped through my chest once they started knocking again. I didn’t know what to do. I just sat there, letting them knock all they wanted. I let out a sigh, and cuddled up with Ellie and fell asleep.


Told you it was going to be boring. I’m not in the mood to write no more. Monday 6th will be 3 months since my grandma passed away. I’m doing ok. I have this feeling that I just want to cry and not stop. Don’t mean to tell you this, but I have to get it off my chest. Vote and give feedback please.


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