Slumber & Nobody's Hero

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Don’t hate me for what I’m about to do to Ellie.

Driving back to the apartment never felt so good. Turning the ignition off, I stumbled up the stairs. Lifting up the keys with shaking hands, well it took a while to get inside. Slamming the door, I slumped on the couch. Why did I have such a shitty life? Like why?

I sat there for an hour or so before my butt started hurting. Making me some soup and getting the crackers, I sat down and started eating.

 I was swimming in depression and I knew things were going downhill fast.

Something was going to happen I just knew it. I needed to talk to Andy, but knowing him, he’ll think I’ve gone insane.

Standing up, I went into my bedroom, and stripped before going to bed.

I heard the door open, then close. I was too sleepy to pay attention. Shrugging it off, I snuggled close to my pillows.

Was I dreaming? Or was this reality?

All I know is that I’m floating on a cloud. I was too comfortable to open my eyes. I let whoever was carrying me take me away. It was only a dream. I heard a rough male voice and a younger female voice discussing something about me. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t force them open.

An awful stench came over me and I wanted cover my nose, but my hands felt like lead. I whimpered and next thing I knew I was dropped, falling on the cold cement. I whimpered louder. This time, I opened my eyes.

Ronnie and Amy both were staring straight at me. A smirk shaped on Amy’s face, and a sinister look on Ronnie’s.

“What are you both doing in my room? I whispered

“You mean my house?” Amy sneered “Uncle, make her pay” She said, I stared at her as she walked away.

Everything after that happened too soon. One moment I’m fully clothed, and the next Ronnie’s painfully pumping himself inside me. My screams make my throat hurt. My nails hurt from scraping the cement floor. The only thing I can do now is cry.

He planted his seed inside me, again before zipping his pants up. For two months all he’s done is rape me. I don’t think I can take anymore. Is this God’s way of telling me I’m nothing but victim in his world?

I fell asleep crying, just like every night. Hoping that my batman; would come get me already.

Andy’s POV

“Elizabeth Hart, She’s nineteen, uh red hair, brown eyes-“

“No no no, her eyes are more like caramel brown. And her hair is dark brown-“

“Shut up Ashley, her hair is bright red, like the little mermaid, remember?” I said

For two months Ellie had went missing, and here we were again at the police station trying to get another search party. No luck after one month, they though she was dead.

Who would want to kidnap her? I mean she was beautiful, but still. I haven’t seen Amy either. So we had her description as well. I knew Ellie wasn’t that dumb to go with her. I still wasn’t sure who had taken her or did she have another guy I didn’t know? I know she went to the Gym.

“We found her! Officer Carter we found Miss Hart”

I stood up, running over to the officer, put stop dead in my tracks after hearing what he said.

“She’s in an awfully state. I already called for backup. The cops are on their way. Relief washed over me. She was alive.

Grabbing my jacket I got in the Van, I turned around to the gang, the nodded and I put the car in drive. Following the police cruisers, we drove over half an hour to an old run down house.

I saw cops everywhere, getting out of the car, I ran over to the people in the back of the cop car. First there was Amy, and then Ronnie?

He smiled at me before the cop drove off.

Looking back at the house, I walked over, crossing the yellow tape.

and...Hi there. I'm watching the hills have eyes II and holy cheese, the mutant raped the girl! And it showed it, that poor table. It was squeaking and banging too much.

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