Taco's and Sex

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 Haii Y'all :D

Hope y'all enjoy Chapter 5. Took me forever to tpe this up. Better comment AND vote :D Later lovers :D

 I'ma dedicate this chapter to some pretty awesome people. Don't know 'em that well, but I uploaded this just fer them : bvbgirl98 ; black_veiled_bride ; At last but not least, She made me so happy, just with her comment ; rainbowfrootloop

. Enjoy.!

No fucking way. There's no way. I shot him. It didn't pierce his heart, but still. He was dead cold. I couldn't help but shiver at the thought of him being alive.

I walked back to my grandparents’ house, feeling scared and vulnerable. I took a seat near my grandpa, my grandma walked in along with Sammi. I didn’t need to look up to know they all held the same expression. Worry. I let out a soft sigh, and handed Sammi my cell phone. I heard her sharp inhale. My grandparents’ did as well. I looked up and gave them a weak smile.

We bed our ado and left. The drive was silent. Sammi kept hesitating, wanting to know more but went against the subject. I was glad she didn’t egg it on no more.

I looked out the window; stars were dancing without a care, around the moon. God I wish I was up there. I can’t help but laugh at the thought of my face glued on a star; dancing everywhere, impossible.


“I wish I could be a star. Just be up there, with no need to fret or anything, just me and the moon. We’d be great friends. I know I sound crazy Sam, but I can’t help think what if, Ronnie does come back. He’ll succeed this time. I have no more energy to run. I’m going to have a baby. “It came out like word vomit. I guess I can’t keep my thoughts to myself. I look at Sammi, her expression was too much.

“Ellie, I don’t know what else to say. But, me, you, Andy, and that baby are gonna get over this. Don’t worry. “


Next Morning;

 Andy’s POV (Weren’t expecting that huh?)

I woke up around seven am or so. God I was sore, I looked to my right Ashley’s leg was draped over my stomach. Jinxx and Jake were cuddled up together, no lie but if they were gay they be cute. I stood up, stretching till something popped.

I walked to the bathroom like a zombie and started my shower and fuck was it cold as hell. I started singing to “I’m Alive” By Story of the Year (Love that song).I dried off and checked for any makeup. Crystal clear.  

I walked out and the guys were getting ready. I reached the bedroom and slipped into my outfit for the day. I sat by CC and ate an apple. It was very quiet, too quiet. I look at the guys and they all looked not too happy.

“Who the fuck died”? I stated while biting my apple.

“It’s either Ellie or you. I ’ma say you. But you have a week or so to live” Ash said, like he didn't care if it hurt me or not

“What the hell are you trying to say” I said, placing my apple down

“Dude, check your phone” said Jinxx, looking down at his plate of bacon. No one would look at me in the eyes. My heart was pounding abnormally.

I ran towards my phone, unlocking it and finding a big surprise.

Ellie’s POV

I silently sat on my bed, biting on my baby pink nail polished nails, waiting for a response from Andy. I was getting more and more worried by the minute. After five long minutes, my phone vibrated, indicating someone texted me.

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