Mourning and Flames

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Had I lost mine? Or was this all dream, of never ending nightmare of mine? What if, all those people in the asylum weren't insane, what if us, the people who weren't were? I knew I had to be insane. I was talking to myself for god's sake!

And here I am, looking dead straight at my deceased parents.

"My little one, how have you've grown."

"Awe look at my baby Richard."

"Yes, she's no longer our little girl"

"No. She's becoming a woman before us."

I could hear them clear as day. My eyes had to be playing tricks on me, as well as my ears. I sat up slowly, and looked at them more clearly. They looking solid and they weren't floating.

My parent's stared at me with huge smiles. They looked sort of proud and sad.

"Why are you here?" I whispered to them

"We saw what happened to you; we wanted to come see you." My dad said moving closer to me

"W-why?" I mumbled. I tried sitting up more, but all the IV's made it hard to.

"Sweetie, you're dying. We wanted to be here when your soul leaves your body"

"Mom. Why would you say that?! I'm okay; I'm not going to die. I can't, not yet. I'm going to have my baby. I need to fix what I've broken."

"We can't let you do that" I dad said in a stern voice


"We're sorry. But, we need you with us Elizabeth, we're a family."

"And family knows what's best" My dad said, walking over to the machine connected to my heart monitor. With one switch I heard a beep and a dead line before passing out.

I made my last breath count "Andy I love you".


Sammi POV

I sat in the dull green hallway waiting for the doctor to come out of the room. Jinxx's hand rested on my knee, reassuring me everything was going to be okay. But it wasn't.

My best friend was in that room, dying. She lost five pints of blood. Ashley was donating as much blood as possible.

Ella sat beside Jake; both of them had been crying, as well as I and Jinxx. CC was walking up and down, biting his nails and looking side to side, he was nervous just like us all.

Before we could blink chaos was everywhere. Nurses were running towards Ellie's room. They were taking in equipment with them, which frightened me.

I didn't know what to do, either sit calm and play dumb or panic. I saw the doctor being called by the intercom; he came out of another room, and rushed into Ellie's.

Not bothering to close it. Jinxx's hold on me lessens and after a few seconds of questioning my thoughts I ran to her room. Ignoring Jinxx's demanding screams.

I ran inside and almost passed out. There laid my best friend dead. They were putting those things that shock people on her. I ran over to her bed shaking her.

"Ellie! Wake up Ellie! Don't you leave me!!! Ellie!"

"Miss you can't be here!" One nurse said moving me away. I shoved myself away from her and ran back to Ellie's side.

"That's my best friend! Please no!!" I begged for them to have a heart and leave me by her side.

Two nurses leeched onto my arms and dragged me away.

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