Chapter 15

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I was taking a shower, massaging my body with vanilla shampoo. I was about to spend the night at my mum's house with Luke and the rest of the guys. It was almost 1 in the morning and almost everyone was sleeping already. It was only me and Luke that stayed awake and he was already ready to sleep. I washed off the foam and wrapped myself in a huge white towel. 

"Megan?" I heard Luke knocking. I unlocked the door letting him in.

"I'm just gonna brush my teeth," he explained giving me a sleepy smile. His hair was flat and his face was kind of red letting me know he'd been napping already.

"Just do it," I waved him giving him some free space. He took his brush and slowly started brushing his teeth. I giggled at his boxers that were yellow with some pizza slices on.

"Stop it, they're Michael's," he noticed my stared, grabbing my hip. I giggled again, leaning my head on his shoulder. I then interwined our fingers and grabbed my toothbrush as well. While brushing my teeth Luke's thumb was rubbing my palm like he felt how nervous I was. I just couldn't get rid of this horrible feeling of letting everyone down. The person that worried me the most was Luke of course. When I was little I always wanted to meet my prince charming and marry him. And now that I finally got him I was the one that had to end it. I currently felt like I was living in my worst nightmare. It just wasn't supposed to be like that - me and Luke should stay together for a while and maybe find out we were meant to be.

"What's worrying you darling?" Luke's voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned my head to him, seeing his pointy nose and piercing eyes. I gulped down, feeling hot tears filling my eyes. I started realising I would be the last person seeing them and he would probably hate me then. All the pressure that was on my shoulders now was too much and my bottom lip started shaking. His eyes got even more worried and he began cupping my face. I suddenly let my feelings go and tears started running down my face.

"Come here," Luke whispered wrapping his arms around me. My tears weren't running only down my face now but also on his bare chest. I just couldn't help myself right now since there was no way I could stop crying. It got even worse when Luke's huge hands started stroking my back and his heartbeat adapted to mine.

"Megan, what's wrong?" he repeated his question while looking at me. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was chewing his lip piercing. He was still looking incredibly handsome while I was just a burpy woman, who was crying like a child. I shrugged with my shoulders, gently trying to push him away. But he didn't let me go and only took our toothbrushes, threw them in the sink and picked me up.

"Let me take you to bed," he whispered still looking concerned. I wiped my eyes, my little panic attack slowly passing by. I nodded and dug my face in the crook of his neck. "Don't worry baby, I'll always be next to you," he let me know while curling me up just so I could fall asleep lying in his arms.


I was upon him with a knife in my hands and he just realised what was going on. He realised I was the one who would kill him. It had never been his wife, it had always been me. 

"Don't Tatiana, don't!" he begged me, his eyes widened and he almost got me. He was hurt so much he couldn't even move and everything had been done by me. I nearly killed him cutting him all over his body. Then I remembered my dad's words before handing me this mission. He told me not to ever let them go. You always had to kill them, it was you or them and I surely didn't want to be dead when I was only 16.

"My dad told me to do it," I whispered while kicking him in his fat stomach. He started screaming for help but had no clue no one was around. I wiped my sweaty face knowing I would do the worst crime ever - I would take someone's life.

"Your dad?" he asked and I knew that voice. It was known as a voice of someone, who'd been betrayed. I nodded, reaching for my belt. Then I felt the cold metal in my hands which I took out. It was my dad's gun, ready to be shot.

"Megan, don't. I have kids and," he couldn't finish his sentence. I shot a bullet right though his head and let out a high pitched scream.

"Megan, baby!" Luke lifted me up settling me down in his lap. I started sobbing again when I remembered my nightmare. I didn't want to open my eyes cause I knew I'd meet Luke's and it would remind me of my mission again. "I love you, please, look at me," he said again, stroking my hair and my hand. I bit my lip and slowly opened my eyes just to meet Luke's.

"I love you Luke, no matter what happens. Please, remember that," I whispered feeling my heart beating loud. He furrowed his eyebrows giving a peck on my nose.

"Did you have a nightmare? Tell me about it will make you feel better Megs," he tried to calm me down while his fingers were playing with my hair.

There was no way I could tell him. My nightmare was about the first person I had ever killed. It was my dad's best friend, who happened to be like my second dad. He was a famous politician and due to sabotaging a campagne someone ordered to kill him. My dad got sick after finding out about that mission but my family needed money so he handed me the order. I did it, thinking of my dad and how he never complained about it. I wanted to be like him, so easy going about killing people so I accepted it. But after his bosses found that out they killed him, sending us out of the country. They killed my dad in front of my eyes and since then I have always been wishing not to end my life that way. I wanted to be free of choice when to die and who to kill. It wasn't 100% possible but it was better than being in my dad's bosses' hands. I joined the opposite gang, changed my family's name to Hall instead of Rovskova and became a professional killer. But that wasn't a story that Luke should have known.

"I was dreaming about... Losing you," I told him half of the truth. I spotted a tiny smile playing on his face before he kissed my lips gently.

"Never Megan unless you want it to be that way."



A bit of Megan's past, just thought you all should know how she got into her business haha. Hope you love the story, over 250 reads, what the hell? x

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