Phase 1

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~2 Week Earlier~

"Detective Wilson," the Chicago P.D. Chief called, while gesturing for Wilson to come into his office. Wilson got up from his desk and walked in, only to be greeted by two well-groomed men in suits and ties. They shook hands and a very confused Wilson asked, "What's going on?"

"Do you remember Benedict Carlton?" The Chief asked. Wilson nodded, so he continued, "Well, we got a phone call from Jenny Edwards' sister, the family who lived across from them. She claims that Tony Edwards and Sarah Hansen had collaborated some plan to get rid of the Carlton's, specifically Benedict. She thinks Benedict found out and got rid of Tony instead."

Wilson took a moment to think this over, that entire case with Chuck and Sarah. The Chief continued, "I found this a little suspicious because the last person to disappear from that house was Rachel Clark. Now, Carlton has proved himself to be dangerous, am I right?" Wilson confirmed with a nod. 

The Chief pointed to the well-groomed men and said, "These gentlemen are from London. They think they know Carlton. He was involved with a crime when he was a young boy, you remember. That Chuck guy killed them. Well, these men have re-opened the case without Carlton's knowledge after Chuck had died. Would you gentlemen like to take over?"

One of the men stepped forward and said, "We'd like to see everything you have on Ben Carlton. We strongly believe that he was the one to kill his parents. We also believe he was involved with several more murders in London. How we know, I'm afraid, is classified."

Wilson shook his head and told them, "No. No, if Carlton has done anything, then I should be the one to find out. I investigated him for nearly a year." The man chuckled, "And we've been investigating him for over twenty. Give us everything you have."

"How do you expect to catch him now if you haven't caught him for the past twenty?" Wilson tried to argue. The man pointed to the other well-groomed man next to him and said, "This man right here. Agent Tom Hiddleston." 

~Two Weeks Later~

"Tom! Come on in!" Cassie stepped aside and let Tom walk into the house. "I didn't know what you liked," he sheepishly said, holding up a bottle of wine. Cassie took it from him and looked it over. "Oh my god, I love this stuff," she gushed. Tom looked relieved and followed her into the kitchen, where Ben was just washing his hands. 

"Hey, Tom," he greeted. After getting dry, Ben shook his hand. "Look what Tom brought," Cassie said, handing the wine to Ben. He looked at it and said, "Wow, it's your favorite kind, too. Isn't that...nice. Too bad you can't drink it." He glanced up at Tom, who looked confused, but then mortified. "Oh! I am so sorry! I didn't even think about that!" Cassie shrugged and said, "You boys can each enjoy a glass for me." 

Ben gave Tom a half smirk, before setting the bottle harshly on the counter. "Dinner's almost ready," he bitterly told him. "Darling, why don't you go check on Michael?" Cassie started walking past Tom when she noticed his eyes were glued to her. She looked quickly to Ben, but he was occupying himself with chopping up some onions. Tom gave her a wink when they're eyes met again and she couldn't help but blush. 

She continued into Michael's room and found him standing up in his crib. "Hey, sweetie," she cooed. She picked him up and walked back into the living room. "I think someone wants to see daddy," she said, while walking up to Ben. He looked over and smiled at his son, then kissed his head. "In a bit, daddy's got sticky onion hands." 

Michael didn't want to see Ben, anyways. He was reaching over to Tom. Cassie smiled and asked, "Would you like to hold him?" Tom nodded eagerly and took Michael from her. "Oh, look at you," he cooed. "You are just the cutest thing, aren't you? You look just like your mummy." 

Cassie waved him off and said, "He's a spitting image of Ben." Ben smiled, then brought Tom a glass of wine and handed Cassie cranberry juice in a wine glass. "Dinner's ready," he announced. "Shall we eat inside or out?"

"Oh, outside!" Cassie enthused. "It's so beautiful out." Ben chuckled, then kissed her soundly on the lips. "Whatever the missus wants. Alright with you, Tom?" Tom nodded and told him, "Sounds perfect." He handed Michael to Ben and followed them outside after getting their food. 

Ben brought out one of Michael's playpens and set him in there while they ate. They talked about various things during dinner, mostly about Tom and what he did before this. He explained he was the owner of a manufacturing company and it required him to move around a lot. 

"I think I'll only be here a few months, but we'll see," he told them. "But, enough about me. Cassie, what is it you do?" Cassie took a sip of her juice, before saying, "I'm just a writer." Ben took her hand on the table and continued for her, "A very successful writer. Her last book was on New York Time's number one best selling list. It was the book that brought us together, actually. But that's a story for another time." 

Tom looked very impressed. "Wow, I would love to read it. What's it called?" She told him the title and what it was about, not giving too much about it away. Needless to say, he was very impressed. "I just finished the sequel for it, as well." 

"And it's bloody brilliant," Ben bragged. "I'm telling you, this woman has so much talent. It amazes me how she's still here with me." Cassie couldn't help but think, It amazes me, too. 

The subject quickly turned to Ben and how he managed to build this building and how he did the interior and exterior design on both their place and Tom's. "Well, my job seems like shit compared to you both," Tom laughed. He then checked his watch and said, "It's getting late, I should go. I have an early morning tomorrow." 

Before he left, he helped Ben and Cassie clean up. It only took a few minutes, even though they insisted it was fine. "Thank you for having me over," Tom told them at the door. "Perhaps we can do this again sometime."

He shook Cassie and Ben's hand, before running his hand over Michael's hair. He waved goodbye, then walked the four feet it took to get to his door. Once he was inside, he went straight to his computer and started typing up an e-mail. 

"Phase 1 complete. Carlton doesn't seem to like other men around his wife. I would like to continue into Phase 2." He sent the report and got a response just seconds later. 

"Proceed to Phase 2. Test Carlton's jealousy. Report when done." 


Ben shut the door after watching Tom go in. "He's nice," Cassie told him with a smile. Ben rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he's nice all right. I think he's a little too nice to you." Cassie sighed and shook her head. 

"Don't get all jealous. I'm aloud to speak with other men, you know." Ben set down Michael and let him run off to his toys. He took Cassie's hips and pulled her flush against him. "I know. But be careful, love," he warned. "I hope you know what I will do to you if I find out you're fucking another man." 

He kissed her and ran his hand down her stomach. He pulled back and said, "But I know you won't. I trust you. Who I don't trust, are men like him that wink at you when my back is turned." 

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