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"Happy birthday, dear Michael! Happy birthday to you!" Ben and Cassie cheered as Michael blew out the candles. Cassie stopped clapping, then kissed her son's cheek. "Oh, mom, stop!" He whined, as wiped off his cheek. 

Cassie sighed with a smile and shook her head. "Alright, I get it, you're officially too old for kisses from your mom." He stood up and towered over her like he has been since he turned fourteen. He obviously got his height genes from his father.

"Sorry," he said, as he hugged her. She rubbed his back and said, "It's okay. I was never going to stop anyways." With that, she kissed his cheek and let out a deep laugh. Again, he has most of his dad's genes.

Ben then came over and gave his son a hug. "What time are the guys coming to get you?" He asked. Michael looked to the clock on the wall and said, "In a few minutes. I should probably finish getting ready." 

Suddenly, Jess bounded over and said, "I want to go!" Michael rolled his eyes. "No," he told her. "Seventeen year olds only." Jess crossed her arms. "I'm almost seventeen!" Michael laughed, "Yeah, in a year and two weeks, so scram." 

Ben took a hold of Michael's shoulder and said, "Oi. Behave. Just because it's your birthday, doesn't mean you can pick on your little sister without any repercussions. Go get ready." Michael sighed and went up to his room. 

"I don't get why I can't hang out with him," Jess complained. "We're barely two years apart!" Ben hugged his youngest and said, "I know, but he's a guy. Guys tend to want to hang out more with their friends and less with their little sisters. I'm sure if you ask, he'd love to take you out to lunch and have a day with you. Alright?"

She sighed and said, "Okay. But can I hang out with my friends tonight?" Ben looked up at Cassie, who was taking the candles out of the cake. She glanced up and said, "Fine with me." Ben looked down at his little girl and let out a heavy sigh. 

"Fine," he told her. Jess jumped for joy, as he continued, "But you must be home by ten. Yes?" She nodded and said, "I promise! I can't wait to tell Zach!" She took off to her room, as Ben looked quickly over to Cassie. 

"Zach?" He asked. "Who in the bloody fucking hell is Zach? Who, Cassie?" Cassie put her hands up and laughed, "I don't know! She's almost sixteen, Ben, she's a smart, attractive girl...she's bound to have an admirer." He scoffed, "Admirer. Any man going near my girl better pray he doesn't--."

He stopped when Cassie gave him a glare. "Ben," she said, "be nice. The more you try and fight to get him away from her, the more she is going to rebel and want him more. Believe me. That's basically what happened with you when Sarah wanted me to stay away from you." 

That made him smile a bit. "Let's hope she never has to resolve to...what you had to." She sighed and gave him a pointed look. "Sorry," he said. "Anyways, I just think she's too young for a...boyfriend. Christ, is she really at that age?"

Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "Face it. Our kids are growing up and I don't like it any more than you do." He hummed, then leaned down and kissed her. "I guess this is the worst part of being parents, learning that your kids can't stay young, drooling infants forever."

Laughing, she told him, "I suppose that is true. Now, come on and eat this cake with me. I'm afraid I'm going to eat it all on my own." Ben chuckled and sat down at the table. Cassie cut them both a couple of slices and ate in silence. 

A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Ben quickly said, as he jolted up from his seat. Cassie just sat that and shook her head with a smile. When he got to the door and swung it open, he was greeted by five teenagers, looking ready to take the town."

"Hello, boys," he greeted. "Come on in, Michael's almost ready." All the guys filed in, greeting their friend's mom and dad. "Have a good night planned, then?" The boys told him how they were just planning to see a movie and go out to dinner. 

Ben just smiled, knowing they were lying. He knew what it was like to be a teenage boy...or did he? No he didn't. At seventeen, he had already killed seven people and was constantly on the run and in hiding. Either way, he knew what he wanted to do when he was their age, had he lived a normal life.

Michael came down the stairs, dressed in his jeans and leather jacket that he inherited from Ben. His blonde hair was spiked and a little messy, but that's how it always is. The guys greeted him with happy birthdays and claps on the back. 

"Ready to go?" One of them asked. Michael nodded and said, "Yeah, man, just give me a sec." He went over to Ben and gave him a hug. "I won't be back too late," he said. Ben smirked, then put his hand on the side of his son's neck.

"Go on and live a little," he chuckled. "I just want you home in time for breakfast, yes?" Michael huffed out a laugh, then nodded. When he went over to his mom, she pulled him in for a tight hug. "Remember," she said in his ear, "if you're going to drink, just don't get caught. And call me if you need to be picked up." 

Michael smiled widely and hugged his mother tighter. "I will, mom," he said. "I love you." She rubbed his back, then let him go. "Come on, Mike!" One of the guys called. Michael gave his mom one more smile, before going back over to his friends and walking out. 

"Well," Ben sighed, "I thought that would have been our daughter's date, but I was wrong." There was another knock on the door, causing him to jump a bit. He let out a deep breath and dragged his feet over to the door. 

When he opened the door, he had to do a double take. This must have been Zach, but...he looked eerily familiar. He wasn't sure how or why, but he just couldn't stop staring at his familiar handsome features. "Um...you must be Mr. Carlton?" The kid asked. 

Ben eyed him suspiciously and said, "Yeah. Um, come on in. You must be Zach." As soon as Zach stepped in, he held out his hand and said, "Yes, sir. Pleasure to meet you." Ben cautiously shook his hand. 

By this time, Cassie had come in to greet her daughter's friend. She smiled at him and said, "Hi, I'm...um..." Ben could see that she had seen it, too. "This is my wife, Cassie," he finished for her. "Jess is just getting ready."

Cassie got closer to him, then said, "I'm sorry, but...have we met somewhere? Maybe we know your parents?" Zach thought for a moment, then said, "No, I don't think so. I just moved here from Cincinnati a few days ago. I met Jess at school and she's the only friend I've made so far. She's really great." 

 Ben smirked because Jess always had the biggest heart when it came to other people, completely the opposite of him. "I'm from Cincinnati," she told him with a wide smile. "Which part are you from?" Zach shrugged and told her, "A little bit of everywhere. We moved around a lot, but eventually settled in the city with my grandparents."

Cassie thought this was way too similar. "I lived in the city, as well," she told him. "Maybe I know your parents from school? What are there--." She stopped when she heard Jess bounding down the stairs. "Hey, Zach!" She happily greeted. 

Zach smiled at her and said, "Hey, Jess! Wow, you look...wow." She wasn't dressed up or anything, but she did have a pair of skinny jeans on with a nice blouse. She looked down at herself and blushed. "Thanks," she giggled. "Shall we go?"

He held out his arm to her and said, "We shall." She hooked her arm through his and waved goodbye to Cassie and Ben. "Remember, ten o'clock!" Ben called. Cassie couldn't get this kid out of her head. Who was he?

"Wait, Zach!" She called, as she ran out into the hall, Ben following her to see what she was trying to do. Zach turned to her, while Jess was looking mortified. Cassie took a few seconds, but she eventually asked, "What's your last name?"

Zach laughed a bit and looked to Jess, then back to Cassie. "Um, Hiddleston. My dad's name is Tom and my mom is Sarah. I'll ask them if they know you." 

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