What Have I Done?

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Cassie was in a daze. What just happened was something she's alway imagined...but never thought she'd actually do. She told Tom everything. She didn't leave a single detail out. Once she told him about the files, she couldn't stop. 

Odd thing was, she thought she would be relieved to get it all off of her chest, to finally tell someone that could do something about it and keep her and the kids safe. Instead, she felt an immeasurable amount of guilt.

"What have I done?" She kept whispering to herself, as she sat up in bed with a book she hasn't even glanced at. "Oh my God, what have I done?" It didn't help that she kissed Tom several times. He was just so gentle and caring, her mind was telling her to do it. 

But her heart had nothing to say. She loved Ben, of course she did, but he's dangerous. He could kill her at any second and she would never see it coming. Tom was a protector. He helps people and he desperately wants to help her. 

What has she done?


Tom waited and waited as the line rang. They could probably see it was him calling, so they weren't picking up. Just as he was about to hang up and try again, a voice answered, "You shouldn't be calling here, Hiddleston."

Sighing, he said, "I know, but I have a major break in the Carlton case. My theory was right! She was hiding him this entire time, lying to our faces! She told me everything." He paced around his living room as he waited for a response. 

"The case is dropped, Tom. You harassed the family. They can file a lawsuit against us, you know that don't you?" Tom rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, I know, but this is huge! I have him!" It was silent for a few moments. "I'm sorry, Tom." 

The line went dead and Tom stood there in shock. "No," he said to himself. "No, no, no! You idiots, you're letting him go!" 


Ben smiled adoringly at his daughter as they waited in line to purchase Michael's birthday present. After looking at several toys, he decided to get him a remote control helicopter with a laser and camera strapped to it.

Jess was the most well-behaved baby in history during their little shopping trip. She was awake the entire time, but never fussed or cried, especially when she was in her daddy's strong arms. She was now in the stroller, but looking up at Ben as he smiled down at her. 

"Next," the cashier called. Ben went up and paid for the four hundred dollar toy, then put the bag it was in on the stroller handle. He walked out in the brisk New York night and started to walk home. Jess was wrapped up in a blanket and snoozing by the time they got to the building. 

On the elevator ride up, he got her out of the stroller without waking her and carried her in one arm to the apartment, while rolling the stroller in his free hand. He got out his keys, unlocked the door, then quietly walked inside. 

He put the stroller in the corner of the living room, then walked up stairs with Jess and Michael's present. When he walked into the bedroom, he saw Cassie awake...and sobbing. "Cass?" He whispered. 

Cassie nearly jumped and looked at him with wide, red eyes. He carefully put Jess down, then dropped the present to the floor, before going over to his wife. He sat down next to her and asked, "What's happened? What's wrong?" 

Oh God, she couldn't even look at him. For all she knows, the FBI, the CIA, the NYPD, the Chicago PD, all of them were on their way to get him. And it was all her fault. He would kill her before they got here, probably take the kids and get as far away as he could. 

But he can't kill her. Not when he finds out what's hiding under her pillow. 

"Take this," Tom quickly told her, as he handed her a gun. "I have to call my agency, but if he comes back and finds out what you did, you are going to die. He will kill you, Cassie. If he tries to, you shoot him, do you hear me? Kill. Him."

Cassie shook her thoughts away and just stared at him. He waited for an answer, but got none. He could already sense something was wrong. "Cassie," he lowly said, "what happened? Is it Michael?" She shook her head. 

"Is it you?" He asked. She gulped and slowly nodded. "And what is wrong with you?" He asked her. "Are you ill? Hurt?" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her hand was resting underneath the pillow, her fingers grazing the gun. 

"Cassie, I swear to God, if you don't tell me--." He stopped talking when she opened her eyes and said, "I told him. I told him, everything, Ben, I am so sorry!" At first, he was momentarily confused. She told who, what? And why was it so upsetting?

But then it dawned on him. Cassie studied his features as it went from confused to absolutely horrified. "Cassie," he croaked out, "what have you done?" She sobbed as she shook her head. "I am so sorry," she sobbed. "He came in the house and-and convinced me to tell him! He threatened to take the kids away, Ben, what was I supposed to do?" 

Ben quickly stood up and paced the room. Cassie curled her hand around the gun. "He doesn't...he doesn't have any power, he can't do anything," Ben said, more to himself. "But if they give him a chance to prove it, they'll be here by tomorrow, probably within the hour." 

He turned sharply and looked at Cassie. "We need to leave," he said. "We need to pack and we need to go now!" He started walking to his drawers, but Cassie stopped him by saying, "Wait! He said that he would tell me if they were coming or not. Let's just wait for his word on it?"

Ben looked like he was experiencing an unbelievable amount of emotions right now. It was all confusing to read. "Fine," he said. "But I want you to pack a small bag just in case. We can't take any risks." As to not upset him, she did pack herself a small bag. 

She was surprised he hasn't attacked her in some sort of way yet. No hitting, no yelling, no screaming. She wasn't sure what was happening. Either way, she packed up some of Michael's and Jess' thing, even a couple of toys for Marshall. 

Once they were done, they got into bed, but Ben was sitting up against the headboard and wide awake. "Get some sleep," he told her. "You'll need it." She nodded and got down under the covers. With her hand under the pillow and on the gun, she was able to fall asleep easily. 

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