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The beeping sounds that were monitoring Ben's heart were deafening. Besides his labored breathing, that was the only sound in the room. Cassie was taken to the hospital after they got Tom out of the apartment. They looked over her for any type of trauma and shock, and then let her see Ben.

The police took her statement and were very kind, not pushy in any way. They had seen her and Ben on the news, so they knew about the harassment they were getting and gave her the benefit of the doubt when they found out Tom had been the harasser.

Not to mention, Ben's bloodied up and beaten state was evidence enough to back up her side of the story. They just needed Tom's, but he was still in surgery to get a bullet removed from his neck. Ben's surgery only lasted about four hours and he was going to be fine. He lost a lot of blood, but since he and Cassie have the same type, she was able to give him a transfusion.

"Drink this," a voice behind her said, as an orange juice was placed in front of her. She looked back and saw the officer who had taken her statement, Detective Stabler. She took the juice and started to drink it. He pulled up a chair beside her and sat down. "I hear he's getting better," he said. "I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear you gave him blood."

Cassie set down her empty bottle of orange juice and huffed out a laugh. "He'll be furious," she said. "I barely gave birth two weeks ago. I'm low enough on blood and strength as it is. He's very persistent on my health."

Detective Stabler hummed, then said, "Even when he's hit you?" Cassie sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't want to talk about that. He's mentally unstable, he's getting help. Sometimes he just can't control himself, but he's trying. I haven't pressed any charges and I don't plant to."

He nodded and wrote that down in a small notebook. "I called Mr. Hiddleston's agency. They said he tried to contact them, but they refused his help. They also mentioned that he was talking about you telling him everything? Can you tell me about that?"

Sighing, she said, "He forced his way into my home, he kissed me, and threatened to take my children away. I told him some lies so he could leave. When he came back, he beat the living hell out of my husband with his agent friend. I told you all of this."

Stabler nodded and said, "I know. I just want to be sure. Mr. Hiddleston is going to be in critical condition for a while. He's going to loose his ability to talk and breathe on his own. He's going to have to write his statement once he's awake. Are you going to be alright?"

Cassie gulped, but nodded. "My kids? How are they?" Stabler nodded and said, "They're fine. Michael didn't see the bodies, but he knew something was wrong. Jess...well, she's only a few weeks old, so nothing is processing yet. I'll bring them in if you want."

She quickly nodded as she wiped her tears. He got up from his chair and walked out of the room. In the meantime, Cassie stood up and sat down next to Ben. She lightly brushed his hair back and teared up when she looked over him.

He was hooked up to all sorts of wires and machines. He had an oxygen mask over his mouth. "I'm so sorry," she softly cried. Just as she grazed her fingers over his cheek, his eyes started to slowly open. Cassie gasped and smiled. "Hey, baby," she whispered. "Hey, you."

Ben groaned and blinked a few times. He looked around, before settling his eyes on his wife. He went to say something, but then winced when he opened his mouth. Cassie pressed the call button for a nurse, then ran her fingers through his hair.

"Don't talk, Ben, just relax," she said. She continued to run her hands soothingly through his hair as he stared up at her with heavy eyelids. A nurse came in a moment later.

"Well, hello there, Mr. Carlton," she greeted. "Are you in any pain?" Ben slowly nodded. "Can you hold up your fingers and tell me on a scale of one to ten, how much it hurts?" He slowly lifted both hands and held up nine fingers.

The nurse went over and turned up his morphine. He immediately sighed in relief. The nurse then checked his wrapped up bullet wound and said, "It's healing very nicely. I'll go get the doctor to see if we can get this oxygen mask off of you."

Almost as soon as she left, detective Stabler came in with Michael holding his hand and Jess in his free arm. As soon as Michael saw Ben, he pulled himself away from Detective Stabler and shouted, "Daddy!"

He wobbled his almost two year old legs over as fast as he could. Cassie quickly picked him up and hugged him, but he wanted to be with daddy, so he was wiggling in her arms. "Okay," she said, "but be careful, Mikey." 

She set him down on the bed next to Ben and he crawled up next to his father. Ben had a tired smile on his face when he saw his son and lifted his hand up to run his fingers through his hair. "My baby boy," he mumbled. "So beautiful. So perfect." 

Cassie put her hand up to her mouth and started to softly cry. Michael put his head on Ben's chest and Ben put his hand on his back. Cassie turned to Stabler and took Jess from him, holding her close. "Thank you," she told him. He nodded, then said, "I'll be out in the hall if you need me." 

Ben's weakened smile got wider when he saw Jess. He put his hand up to Cassie and she took it with a smile. It was getting a little more painful for him to keep speaking, so he clearly mouthed, "I love you." She sniffled, then told him, "I love you, too." 

The doctor came in a moment later and smiled at the sight in front of him. "I see Michael is happy to daddy," he commented. Michael smiled and giggled into Ben's chest. "Well, Mr. Carlton, everything seems to be going smoothly. We can take this mask off, but you'll need to have an oxygen tube to help you breathe. Sound alright to you?"

Ben nodded, then lifted his head up so the doctor could take off his oxygen mask. It was quickly replaced by the tubes. Ben took a deep breath in and sighed. "There we are," the doctor said. "I estimate you'll be home by next week, but it depends on how your wound heals by that time. Don't worry, you'll be back to building and playing with your kids in no time."

Ben smiled and let out a hoarse, "Thank you," before the doctor walked out. 


Tom woke up in a dreamy state. At first, it was really bright. The lights above him were blinding and he couldn't see where he was. When his eyes eventually adjusted, he didn't recognize the room he was in, until a man in a white coat walked in with charts. 

He was in a hospital. 

"Mr. Hiddleston," the doctor greeted. "It's nice to finally see you awake. Just to let you know, the surgery was a success, minus the...changes we had to make. Just relax and I'll be back in with a nurse in a moment." He started walking out when Tom when to say something...but he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get a word out. 

He realized the oxygen mask was over his face, but that shouldn't have stopped him. Why can't I say anything? He thought to himself. Am I in one of those dreams where I can't move or talk? No because I'm moving now...and it hurts. Why does it hurt? Good God, my neck is killing me.

He put his hand up to the side of his neck and found it wrapped up and with something sticking out of it. He quickly felt around and followed the good sized tube the stuck out from his neck to a machine it was hooked up to. Every breath he took, it seemed to help him.

What in the hell happened?

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