Phase 2

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"I'll try and call you when I land, but it'll depend on how late I get in," Ben said to Cassie, as he was checking his plane ticket and passport. He was traveling to London for three days on a company retreat. Every year, he flies somewhere out of the states with his co-workers to have a few days of boring meetings. But Cassie knew what happened after the meetings. 

Drinking and whoring around. Lots of poker, lots of alcohol, and lots of poor decisions. It's like Vegas.

"Are you sure you should be going?" She asked. "I mean, the last time you were there..." She trailed off and shuddered just thinking about it. Ben sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "Everything will be fine," he told her. "I was merely a fly on the wall back then. Nobody knew me."

She nodded, then crossed her arms and looked down to the floor. Ben dipped his head to where he could see her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" She breathed out a laugh and shook her head. "I know what happens at these retreats, Ben." 

She can just imagine all these women flocking at him and, unfortunately, she can see him accepting all of them if he gets drunk enough. 

"No, no, dalring," he told her. "I promise, nothing will happen. That part is for the men who are unmarried and don't have children. Or it's for the arseholes that do and don't give a shit. I, my dear, give many shits about our family. Alright? Stop worrying, it's not good for my girls." He ran his hand down her stomach. 

She quirked up a little smile and nodded. "Ben?" He hummed as an answer and continued to run his hand gently across her stomach. "Can you promise me one more thing?" He looked at her curiously, then said, "Of course, love. What is it?" 

"If you ever feel know...hurting anyone...can you promise me you'll call and talk to me about it? Maybe I can help calm you down or something." He smiled and ran his hand down her hair. "I will," he told her. "I promise. But you have to understand something, Cass. I usually need a reason to do that. No one has given me one in a little over a year. I'm not Michael Meyers, or Jason Vorhees, or Freddy Kruger. I do admit that in my much darker days, I have just killed on random, but I've learned to be more careful."

"Why did you decide to randomly kill people?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. Ben gave her a look that said he really didn't want to discuss this at the moment, but he knew it would be on her mind all week. 

He took a glance at his watch, then said, "I liked it. Actually, I loved it. The thrill of it kept me running on adrenaline constantly. I only meant to be rid of my parents and the was the last of it, but it just made me feel so alive. And when Chuck got arrested, I realized I was good at it. After a bit more practice, I started killing for sport. And then...I met the most beautiful woman in the world, whom I am so proud to call my wife and the mother of my children. The end." 

He started to pick up his bags, when Cassie took a hold of his arm and said, "Wait...was your kill me? When you first met me, was that your plan?" Ben sighed in annoyance. "No," he told her. "I moved to Chicago to get away from all that. I thought I could start my life over with you. And I have. I cannot be more thankful for you, Cassie. But, for now, I'm going to miss my flight if I don't leave." 

She let go of his arm and nodded. He gave her a sympathetic look and asked, "Why are you asking this now? Is it because I'm going to London?" All she could do was nod. He set down his suitcases and wrapped her in his strong arms. 

"Everything will be fine, baby, I promise. I'll call you every night before I go to bed and text you when I'm done with my meetings. Okay? You just focus on taking care of our little ones." She quirked up a smile and said, "Okay. I love you." He gave her a chaste kiss and said, "I love you, too. Stay out of trouble." He gave her a wink, then picked up his suitcases. 

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