One Year Later

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"Happy birthday, dear Michael! Happy birthday to you!" Ben and Cassie helped Michael blow out his single candle and watched as their boy giggled and clapped. Everyone in the room broke out in awes and coos. "He looks so much like you, Benedict," Charline commented. Her husband, Harold, piped up and said, "Poor boy!" The room broke out into a fit of laughs. 

Ben wrapped an arm around Cassie and said, "Please, he looks like my gorgeous girl. And hopefully this one will, too." He ran his hand over her three month along belly and continued, "Don't want them to go around with a horse face like mine." 

Everyone laughed, while Cassie awe'd and brought him in for a kiss. "You are sexy, Mr. Carlton and our children would be thankful to look like you." He smiled and gave her a chaste kiss, while the room broke out into boos from the men and awes from the women. 

It was obviously Michael's first birthday today. Ben had invited all his co-workers, who Cassie has gotten the pleasure of knowing over many business dinners and office parties. All of the men were married, so she had gotten along very well with all the wives, but she was also the only one with a kid. 

It's not that she minded at all, but it was hard to talk about adult things when you live in a kid's world and no one can relate. Either way, she got along very well with all of them, which Ben was always thrilled to see. 

"Cassie," one of the wives, Kathy, said in amazement as she looked around the penthouse, "I still can't believe Ben designed this!" Cassie laughed and told her, "I know! Believe me, it's even more unbelievable when you're living in it." 

Their move to New York was the greatest decision they have ever made. They both agree that, had they not gotten out of that neighborhood, their marriage would have ended several months ago. Not that Ben would have let that happen, but it would have been a serious discussion. 

After Michael was put down to bed, all the adults decided to take their drinks outside. Their was a mini patio, just enough room for some plants, a table, and a grill, with a fantastic view of the city. "No matter how many times I am here, Carlton, I am still blown away by this building. How you managed to do it, I have no fucking idea," George complimented. Ben simply raised his glass and said, "Couldn't tell you." 

They continued to chat, a different conversation here and there, until the sun started to set over the buildings. "I think it's time we head out," Quinn suggested to her husband, Al. Al agreed and so did everyone else. 

Ben and Cassie walked their guests to the door and thanked them for coming. Once the last person was gone, Ben shut the door and leaned back against it with a heavy sigh. "Good God, I thought they would never leave," he groaned. Cassie laughed and told him, "That's mean! They're your friends, you should be grateful that they made time to come to your son's first birthday." 

He smirked at her, then wrapped his arms around her waist. "I am grateful, dear," he purred. "I am grateful that they left so I can tear this sinful dress off of your delicious, pregnant body." He leaned down to kiss her, but a sudden cry from upstairs stopped him. 

"Damn," he muttered, before giving her a quick peck and walking upstairs. "Dada!" Michael cried. Ben started jogging to the room, while calling, "Daddy's coming, Mikey!" He got into the room and scooped Michael up from his crib. 

"Dada," Michael whined. Ben wiped away Michael's tears and said, "Awe, buddy, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Michael's only response was burying his face into his father's neck and continuing to cry. 

Ben lovingly shushed him and rubbed his back, while lightly bouncing him. "Hey, hey, no more tears," Ben teasingly cooed. After a few minutes, Michael calmed down, but now he was wide awake. Ben kissed his head, then came downstairs with Michael clinging to him like white on rice. 

Marshall ran up and started excitedly barking and jumping on to Ben's leg. "No, he's not playing right now," Ben told the dog. He continued to walk, until he saw Cassie doing the dishes in the kitchen. "Cass, don't worry about those. Mike's wide awake, so I guess the sex will have to hold off for another hour or so." 

Which really sucked because he's been staring at her all night, wanting to just devour her. If only we could distract Mike for a few minutes. Not that he would know what we were doing, but I would rather fuck my wife without my infant son having to watch. 

It wasn't until Marshall started barking again, that Ben's smile lit up the room. When Cassie turned to look at him, she could practically see a lightbulb shining above his head. "What?" She asked, with a smirk. He let out a low chuckle and said, "Thank God I got you that dog." 


"Oh God, Ben, right there! I'm so close!" Ben pounded furiously into Cassie against the kitchen counter, trying to get them both to their high. He bit down on her earlobe and growled, "Such a naughty girl. We were only suppose to have a quick--uh!--fuck, remember?" 

She breathed out a laugh and said, "How can I not suck you off every time you--shit, right there!--pull out Big Ben?" Ben growled even lower and picked up his pace to relentless thrusting. He was so close, right to the very edge, when...

"Mama!" Ben immediately halted his thrusts and panted heavily into Cassie's ear, as he heard her breathlessly coo, "Hey, baby." She then whispered to Ben, "I keep forgetting he can walk." Then, she tapped his arm and he reluctantly slid out of her and set her down. 

"Mama!" Michael shouted again, this time holding up a piece of paper with scribbling on it. Cassie's knees were wobbly and Ben had to steady her for a moment, but she walked up to Michael and gasped, "Did you draw that? That's so good!" 

Ben took this time to tuck himself back into his pants. He was still painful hard, but he didn't want to do anything about it until he could be buried inside Cassie again. With a grunt and slight twinge in his groin, he turned to face the living room and saw Marshall sitting at the entry way, wagging his tail. 

"You had one job," Ben told him, before practically limping over to Cassie and Michael. He sat down on the couch, behind where they were sitting on the floor, and watched them with a smile. 

"Babe," he softly called. Cassie turned to him and he asked, "I didn't hurt her, did I? I feel like I was being a little more rough than usual." She just gave him a soft smile and said, "She's fine, Ben. If I felt you were, I would have stopped you. Okay?" He nodded, then eased a little more into the couch. 

He's been so worried about hurting the baby--his daughter--during sex, but tonight he just got a bit carried away. He would have to watch himself a little more, just like he's been successfully doing this past year. 

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