Far From Over

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Ben was mad. He was fuming with rage. He knew there was something about Tom, but now he's absolutely positive. While he was focused on Tom, Cassie was focused on her sister. She said she wanted to protect Cassie, but by telling Tom? Who was he?

"He's a fucking agent!" Ben yelled as he walked inside the house with files in his hand. Cassie was about to ask how he knew that, but he slapped the files down in front of her. She picked them up and opened them. 

As she read it, Ben paced the room and said, "He's MI6--well, used to be. They let him go after his mission was compromised. He's dangerous, Cass, more so than I could have imagined!"

"And Sarah told him," Cassie finished. "She told him everything! How did she know?" Ben let out a hard sigh. "Because I told her," he admitted. "I told her everything to taunt her!" Cassie scoffed at him. "Well, good job with that one!" He quickly went up to her and said, "I didn't think our neighbor would be a goddamn agent, nor did I think your sister would be dating him!" 

Cassie clenched her jaw, then took a deep breath. "What do we do?" She asked. Glad that this wasn't going to end in a fight, he calmed himself and said, "I have an idea. You have to promise me you won't get upset with me, though." 

This was oddly suspicious, but she said, "You won't kill them, will you?" He shook his head. "No," he said, "not unless I have to. See, when undercover agents get exposed, all of their work, all of their evidence goes away. It's useless. I know, I have proof that he is. But in order for it to grab the agency's attention, he needs to do something. Something stupid." 


Ben walked up to Tom's door and knocked a few times. After a moment, Tom opened the door. "What do you want?" He asked with a deadly glare. Ben stayed completely monotone and held up his files. 

"Agent Hiddleston," he said, causing Tom to tense up. "You really should use a cover name, but then again, that didn't work out in MI6, did it? Went under the name of Jonathan Pine, but they found you out very quickly. Too quickly. You fucked up your entire operation because of...what was it? Your signature? MI6 doesn't take those things lightly. They fired you and the agency you're with now picked you up. Clever using Sarah for information." 

Tom's reaction was making him smile. His knuckles were white as he gripped the side of the door and he was practically shaking with rage. "He isn't using me," Sarah's voice said behind him. Ben peaked over Tom's shoulder and saw her there. "He loves me, unlike you love my sister."

Ben smirked. "I love Cassie," he said, "with all my heart. But Thomas here...well, I wouldn't count on it." He looked back to Tom and said, "You're in love with Cassie. Just admit it. You have the hots for my wife, but you know you can't have her. Not while I'm around." 

Tom took a deep breath through his nose. "I do not," he said. Ben's smile only got wider, which bothered Tom. "Your girlfriend just gave you away, by the way," Ben said. "Not denying giving you information, saying you weren't using her. I can't wait to tell the world I was harassed by an ex-MI6 agent, who can't keep his emotions in check--."

Ben suddenly found himself on the ground from Tom's punch in the face. Tom was breathing heavily with anger, but then realized what he had done...what Ben had done. Ben put a couple fingers up to his bloody nose and smiled. "Perfect."

He quickly got up and charged at him. 


"Carlton, you made bail!" A guard shouted. Ben, with his cut up and bloody face, exited the cell. He walked out and saw his wife holding their daughter in one arm and holding Michael's hand with her free one. Michael's face lit up when he saw his father. 

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