My Darling Girl

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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Michael! Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone clapped as Ben helped Michael blow out his candles. He kissed his son's head, then stood up straight and took Jess from Cassie's arms. 

He lightly bounced his little girl as Cassie plucked out the candles from the cake. She cut up pieces for everyone and handed them out. When it came to Ben, she offered him a plate, but instead of taking it, he looked down at the knife in her hand. 

"Be careful, love," he said lowly as he took the plate with his free hand and balanced Jess with the other. Cassie sniffled and looked down at Michael. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. He smiled up at her and said, "Kill him."

Cassie jerked back her hand from her son's hair. "Wha-...what did you say?" She asked. Michael ate some cake and said, "Kill him, mommy. It okay." She looked at her son in shock, then looked up to Ben, but he was standing next to Tom. They were both staring intently at her. 

"Come here, love," Ben ordered, as Jess fussed in his arms. She looked over to Tom, who said with a soft smile, "Come here and let me take care of you, darling. I'm not him, you know that." She smiled widely at him, but then looked to Ben. 

He was now holding both Jess and Michael. "I'm the father of your children," he said. "You really want to explain how mummy got daddy killed? You love me, Cass, you can't leave me. You tried everyday...remember?"

She sighed and looked back and forth between the two. The room suddenly started spinning as her thoughts started to get more and more complicated. She felt light headed and nauseous. What was happening?


"Cassie," Ben called, as he gently tapped her cheek. "Cassie, wake up." Tom sighed and said, "That's not going to help. She fainted, she's not sleeping. It's much harder to wake up someone who faints." He gently rubbed her arm and softly said, "Come back here, darling, come on."

Ben shot up a glare at Tom. "Don't call my wife darling ever again." He looked back down to her. She started to say something, but her mumbling was too incoherent. Ben lowered his ear to her mouth, but still couldn't make out the words.

She then started waking up, her words becoming more and more clear. "I ca...I can't...I can't," she kept saying over and over. Ben ran his hand over her hair and asked, "You can't what, love?" She opened her eyes and blinked at him a few times. 

She reached up and touched his face. "I can't leave you," she whispered. He breathed out a laugh. "God, you stupid girl," he said. "No wonder we're together." She laughed a little. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'll keep saying it over and over...I am so sorry." 

He nodded and let out a sigh. "I know," he said. "We'll talk about it like sane people later. Right now, we need to get you off this floor." He moved his arms under her and picked her up. He walked over to the couch and set her down. 

"What happened?" She asked. Tom walked over with both guns in his hand. "He told you to kill me, then you fainted," he angrily explained. "I'll take that as a good sign." He took a look to the front door, then turned back. 

She was caressing Ben's cheek. "Why do I stay?" She asked. "Why can't I leave?" Ben gently wrapped his fingers around her wrist and said, "For the same reason I can't kill you. It's stronger than the both of us." 

Tom turned back towards the door, when he heard a creaking sound out in the hall. He smirked, then quietly snuck off while the couple were wrapped up in each other. "It's too much, Ben," she said, starting to cry. "It's too much for me to handle. You're used to it, you've had practice keeping it in, but I...I..."

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